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For Sadie... R.I.P Beautiful

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My dog was my best friend and this is a poem about what happened and for her...



Why did heaven steal you,

Why did god have to take you away,

You were ment to be my life,

Ment to be the reason i'd never stray.


You were ment to welcome me,

Each and every day.

When i got home from shcool,

When i got home from play.


Sometimes i wonder,

Where you are right now.

I wonder if you can see me,

I wonder if you are looking down.


I wonder if you watch me,

Every day of every week,

I wonder if you'll ever know,

How much its you i truly seek.


I never wanted to say goodbye,

And i promised we never would.

Didn't think anyone could separate us,

Told you not even god could.


I made you so many promises,

Told you you would never leave,

Promised you you'd be ok,

I wonder if you were so naieve.


I swear to you i meant,

All the things i said.

I never really knew,

All these lies were stuck inside my head.


I truly believed,

That you would never go,

I never ever though,

Tears of such loss would ever flow.


I'm sorry i didn't help you,

I wish i could have done more,

But after i watched you fall asleep,

I walked straight through that door.


No one knows the pain i feel,

And how it hurts me more each day.

No one knows the guilt i feel,

For simply walking away.


I guess i never dreamed,

That you would never wake,

And now reality has hit,

Its just so hard for my heart to take.


When i cry i want to lie with you,

Pat your sweet head,

Then i remember,

You are no longer in your bed.


I don't know how to deal with this,

Its so hard to say goodbye,

So much so when i know its my own fault,

I had to watch you die.


I wish i could go back,

Have the money in my bank,

You could have been kept there,

With at least an air tank.


But no i failed you,

Just like all the times before,

Except never can i make up for all the mistakes,

Never will i be able to close that door.

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That was a really nice poem, but you can't blame yourself!


It is better to have let her go, than to have kept her suffering on machines or on medication.


One of my dogs, Chance, an 11 year old chocolate lab, is at the vet's right now and he is probably dying. He has had a lot of problems this year, and now he may have liver cancer... We may have to put him to sleep... I am devestated... But I don't want him to suffer...

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Thats why i did it i didn't want her to suffer. She might have had a brain tumour, thats what the vets predicted but we didn't have the money on us to get it all checked out. It could have been something little and maybe they could have fixed it...


Thankyou for your comment and i'm sorry to here about Chance. Sadie was 16 or 17 when we put her down, she was older then me.

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