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Can't get her out of my mind


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We had a very nice date last night, and I have a final on tuesday that I must write some essays for and study for.


I can't get myself to study. I keep thinking about her. I want to call her today and talk to her, but it's probably way too soon. I want to know what she's thinking, I want to spend time with her.


I know I just need to buckle down and get the writing/studying over with but my interest in school work has gone down to almost nothing right now. Ugh...

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lol thats great she has such an effect on you.

I am sure you have the same effect on her.

So when is the next date?

As hard as it is please dont let your studies fall behind!


Thanks for the reply.


We didn't really plan a second date. I was planning to talk to her tomorrow and suggest that we rent and watch a movie together some time.


My studying is getting done, sloooowly.

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Thanks for the reply.


We didn't really plan a second date. I was planning to talk to her tomorrow and suggest that we rent and watch a movie together some time.


My studying is getting done, sloooowly.


That's a good idea. Remember give her some SPACE at the beginning, the last thing you want to be is needy/clingy. Show that you have other priorities besides her, she'll thank you for it.

As far as movies go I have an idea for you...rent a movie that you've already watched, and while your watching it with her, predict what should happen in the movie. for example say something like "well if I were him, I would show her what I really thought" and then KABAAM it actually happens in the movie. Of course she has to be under the impression that your seeing it for the first time.

If you can be a little inventive you could play this off really well, and it's a bunch of fun. A good movie to do this with is the count of monte cristo. (not sure on spelling

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