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Oh boy i'm sure i could muster,

One last tear,

One last scar to bleed,

One last refused meal.


I could break down once again,

Fall to the ground,

Sob tears of self pitty,

And complain about my stomach so round.


I could slice away,

At my soft skin,

Bleed a river,

Of never ending sin.


But i chose to mutter,

A few last words,

Of hope and trust,

Of all good things heard.


For i have friends,

Above all others,

They are more,

Then just a month time lover.


Its them i truly,

Wish to cry for,

Tears of empathy,

As they are so unsure.


So many wish to end their lives,

Break their skin,

Touch those knives.


But little do they know,

Oh how they just don't understand,

How wonderful,

Is their simple helping hand.


There beauty reaches behind the skin,

Something more,

Then eyes can see,

Something worth searching for.

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