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Confused Yet Again!!!

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Does absense really make the heart grow fonder? I ask as I have been trying to keep away from my ex girlfriend ( although I want her back ), but she keeps ringing or mailing me every few days. My previous posts can be found here - link removed . She still loves me but I'm trying to keep my distance. Is this the right thing to do?

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i believe absense makes the heart grow fonder. my bf goes away to college so I only see him once a week during the weekends. since we dont see each other every day, we can't wait until the next time we are with each other, & we want to spend every second together. do you want to miss your ex gf? if you don't want her calling you & stuff, then tell her that. if she still does it, then ignore her, she will get it soon. however if you do want to miss her, then talk to her and see her.

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O.M.G. What is your PROBLEM? The phrase "absense makes the heart grow fonder" doesn't mean you IGNORE your girlfriend! You are seriously hurting her, and if you don't correct your actions soon, you are going to wind up on the bad end of a breakup.


Sure, absense make the heart grow fonder, which is why you don't spend every single moment of every day with her, but ignoring calls/emails is NOT the same thing!

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I agree.....yes, absense makes the heart grow fonder....but I think that what it is in this case is that she's just used to having you around and now realizes that it basically sucks to be alone. Too bad. 3 weeks is NOT a very long time, and (I think) certainly not long enough to work through whatever personal issues you may have with your ex, and figuring out why you broke up with him/her in the first place. I think you're doing the right thing in keeping your silence, since she made it clear from the breakup that you weren't what was right for her. If she persists, I'd simply let her know that you're respecting her space and her wishes, and that she's not making it any easier on YOU by trying to contact you frequently.....she should be respecting your time alone just as much as you're respecting hers, after all!

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hey guy, man i almost in the exact same boat as you, me and my girlfriend, were off and on for about 2 months, then about a week ago she ended it for good. she said she wanted space,but i missed her soooo much, seemed like every 5 days, i would call her, or make contact with her some how, and that was not a good idea. i am not sure if your ex ended things, or if you did, but if u want her her back, why not take her back, b4 it is too late, and she thinks u dont want her at all. i would do anything to get her back, but i have stopped with the contact with her, cuz its what she wants for now, and with not talking to me, she may realize that she DOES want me back, but for now, i just have to go on with my life. hope i could help, reply back



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