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What would you do?

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Well, looks like God is smiling on me... I'm 21 years old, just got out of the military, never graduated college. I've never done much work outside of running my own small construction business. It's always been a dream of mine to work in law enforcement. I applied for the state prison, and looks like I got the job. The pay is $34,000 a year starting. I only have a car, phone, and rent to pay, so I will be pocketing 75% of that. Right now, I have no money. The academy is 2 months long and you get paid while you're there. Around here, the state prison is kind of a springing board into other law enforcement areas (state police, FBI). The agency used to have a bad reputation, although it's a lot more professional now.


My father is good friends with the police chief in a neighboring town. We stopped in to get some blue prints for a house, and the chief mentioned they have an opening for a police officer. This agency is very elite and demanding to get into. Now, around here, the people they hire as officers usually have degrees or 5+ years of experience as a cop. He really took a liking to me for some reason, even though I'm very young and way under qualified. He said they'd sponsor/hire me if I passed an oral board, polygraph, etc. My goal was to work my way into this area after working in the prison for atleast several years. Here's the catch though. The police academy for this agency is 3 months long. They don't pay you. I'd have no way to pay my bills for 3 months, but my dream job is potentially being thrown into my lap! I don't have anyone who could loan me any money. I'm not asking what to do, because if I have the choice, I'll take this one. I'm just wondering...


Would you hurt your credit, borrow money from someone, live off ramen noodles, etc. to work in your dream job? Even though the money is not as good and it's a lot more dangerous than it's mediocre counterpart?

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I am in a job that I really dislike now. I have been disliking it for a long time. I work in a factory and they have cut back on people and putting more work on the line operators and paying us less. My dream job is working from home. I can't up and quit. I will have my child support paid off next month. Am I glad.


I would go for it and follow your dreams. I am 47 years old. Looking back I wished I had went to college or some training school, and now I feel stuck.


Something that came to mind is

"If You Dream It, You Can Achieve It"




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