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3yrs Later pain still there. Why

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I now think back three years ago, especially when I first registerd on this fourm how it felt like death without her.


Now its just a hollowed greyed hole in my heart that she tore away. Although I have moved on; it haunts me to this day.


I love her, but I dont want her to be part of my life anymore. The passing memories of her are brutal to my mind...


ERggh Is it true once a person touches your soul physically and mentally will you always love this person?

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i do understand what you are saying... i too feel the pain after 3 years... some people move in and out of our lives and leave no impact on us at all... they are just acquaintances... then others leave such an impression on us that never goes away... maybe if we had moved on to a new relationship, we would have put those memories in a safe place, coping with the loss much better and looked more towards the future instead of living in the past...

i adored my ex, but unfortunately he didnt adore me or he wouldnt have hurt me like he did...

i just wanted you to know that your not the only one who after 3 years still is hurt... we just have to push ourselves to live and hope that someday the pain will go away...


God bless... beebee


"relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies. And I think what we got on our hands is a dead shark." ... (Woody Allen in "Annie Hall")

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yes the one you truly LOVE with all your heart and soul can leave you scared for life!!!!


I know this may sound HARSH, but I think it's really TIME you should move on! This is not healthy to still be soo hurt by the breakup 3years later!!!!


You need to start giving that love you have locked away to someone else who deserves it!!!

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that did sound harsh...just my opinion...


Three years later for me...I think of her often. I wish things could have been different...I wish it could have worked out as she has been the one true love of my life.




It's been three years. And while my heart will always have that empty place that you described, the part that she occupied, the truth of the matter is this, and it has taken me these three years to finally acknowledge it...life truly does go on...and if we continue to live in the past and be sad for our mistakes and our disappointments...well, life is just going to go on anyway, but in that case, it will go on without us...


Let's lift a glass in toast of hopping back on the train of life...just this hobo's point of view...Michael

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I don't care how harsh this sounds, this is the truth. Whether it's three months, three years or three decades you can never get over someone who you truly loved. You don't have to wait three years to try to move on, you should try to move on right away. You will fail miserably along the way, but try enough times and you will be able to pull yourself out of the pit of darkness where she left you imprisoned.

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the part of the post that was harsh was stating that we should have moved on by now and should have gotten that love out of our heart and minds... i, for one, cant help what i feel and we all know that feelings are not right or wrong, they just "are"... to have another person say "get over it already!" is nothing new to me and its fine...

i dont have problems coping with my loss... i am coping right now... those of us in this position do our grieving in our own time, at our own pace... were all different... yes, im ashamed to say what i feel to people in my everyday life, so i dont talk about it to them, but im not ashamed to say it on enotalone... thats what this forum is all about, not hiding and not feeling foolish or knowing we are alone in our thoughts...

i will continue to share on here and i wont allow anyone to make me feel like an idiot... no harm done...


God bless... beebee

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Do not misunderstand my words. I am being realistic for your own good. I have never candy-coated my words. The harsh reality of life bears down upon us every waking moment. To live in a dream is not living at all.


I can not tell you that you should have been over it by now, I apologize if you thought that is what I was saying. Whether it takes you 3 days to heal or 3 years to heal is up to you. You are correct, it is different for everyone. I can tell you that I will never heal, and I choose not to. That is my own decision. But then I wonder, do I really have a choice? Probably not, she left me a wreck that I am. But if you decide to continue, which is more difficult than ending yourself, then you have to put a lot of effort into moving on. Perhaps what you need to do in order to move on "faster" is try new things and see new people.

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its all ok... im not upset with anyone's comments... i appreciate any feedback i hear, so as i said before, no harm done...


you are right about generating new friendships though... long story... lol... thank you for your input!...


God bless... beebee

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No two partners are the same and as such no two partners will occupy the same places in our hearts. I think one of the most important parts of "moving on" is acknowledging that while you won't find someone exactly like your ex, the person you do find will be wonderful in ways you can't possibly predict. You have to be open to that, I think.

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