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Good thing I...


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This is related to the story that I posted here:


Good thing that I backed off. Last night a bad situation could have happened as her boyfriend was there.


What I'm plagued with is that I'm so attracted to her that its difficult to give up. Thats what I get for liking someone in a relationship eh? I'm going to do the complete pull away and not hang out with them anymore, makes things too dangerous... also if she is really interested she'll contact me I suppose. Well time to do a pseudo-NC with the whole house. Lol



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I agree - if she has a bf, stay away.


The best thing to do now is to try and get her out of your mind. Don't avoid her, but don't try to find her either. If you two do talk, just keep it normal and keep it short. In short, the less contact you have with her, the less time it will take for you to get over her and look for single chicks.


And if your feelings towards her recur anytime real soon, just remember that her bf will still have her heart...for now.

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