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my best friend's mom is ruining the *dance* for me!

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my best friend's mom is really strict. specifically, she won't let my friend go to the first dance of high school, which is today, 8-11PM.


this dance is the best dance of the whole year. it's called "morp" (prom backwards) and you dress up crazy, like underwear over your clothes and spray-painted hair.


The problem is, since she can't go, I said I was going to go over to her house for a little while and then go see a movie with her. But I really want to go to the dance, because I think it'll be a lot of fun, AND it is the very first dance at high school. So, the question is, do I spend 3 hours and a movie with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, or do i go to the dance? I can still spend some time at her house if I do go to the dance, but I won't be able to go to the movie. And also I'm scared I won't be able to find my other friends at the dance, because I'm scared it'll be crowded and crazy, and I'm really short so I can't see over the heads of anybody to look for them. And also, having never been to a full-scale dance before (just small ones, with like 65 people, at a summer camp), so i have NO CLUE what to expect!


So, the questions are, do I spend 2 hours plus a movie with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, or do I go to the dance? and what should i expect if i do go? and i can't understna dwhy nher mom doesn't want her go, she doesn't have anything to do tomorrow and she can come home early!

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you answered your own question


"Should i spend 2 hours plus a movie with my bestest friend in the whole wide world."


ummm your best friend in the whole wide world..isn't that more important than some dance...where your really not sure what to expect. at this dance, But knowing that your friend. your best friend will always going to be there for you, so your should do that same, i think if you don't she will feel really hurt/crushed by that, Feeling of Left out, can't attend the dance b/c of her parents. that isn't her fault. so make it a good night, With your friend..it's only fair and respectful

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