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Im feeling allright , should I this soon?..........

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Its only been 5 days into my very First breakup and on monday, tuesday, I was a complete basket-case and wednesday, although sad, i was a lot better, talking to everyone around me for advice, this website has helped so much.....im still thinking about her and i miss her of course, but i have not cried since tuesday and the relationship was not the best and i ADMIT that.......im trying to stay focused on school, church and since i have no friends, i talked to a girl at work and tonight were going to a club/bar to hang out. im sure it will be a couple months later once im completely fine but i can honestly say i gave 110% in the relationship and she gave about 40%....Sure I pushed her away by stupid jealous fits and smothering her, but in my brain, i do feel this is the best. I love her and all, but i can walk away knowing i loved her the best i could, gave her everything i could and it just wasnt enough...........but it may be enough for the next girl.........even though right now i dont feel like getting involved.......my question is am i getting through this quicker than i should? Or have I accepted what was the faults and is that the key? thanks

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Every one has there own way of dealing with a breakup. I am so proud of you for being stronger than most. I believe that you are realistic and realize that it was not meant to be and that you should be happy, you got rid of an ungrateful person who nothing was ever good enough for. Let another man deal with her spoiledness. You find you a "sweetypie"

No pun intended.

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there's no normal amount of time that it takes to get over someone. its alright to get over someone in a very short amount of time, & to others it could take a longer time. i think people just make it harder for themselves to get over someone when they think negatively about it, like saying that they wil never find someone else, or that they will never find someone as perfect as their ex. its easier when you realize what happened & just accept the fact that its over. it also depends on how your relationship went.

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If in fact the relationship was meaningful, and lasted for a good amount of time, just prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions. One day, you'll be on top of the world, the next day, you're at the bottom again. Just keep in mind that it's o.k. to have down days about it, and that the good days aren't just 'fluke's'....you can really be a truly happy person without the ex, or anyone else, by your side. Be strong, dude! Trust me from experience, it gets better! (and pretty darn fun, too!) Take care....

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my ex and i broke up a month ago today and i started feeling better maybe the 2nd week after everything happened. i agree that there is no specified amount of time it takes for a person to feel alright with what happens. so, as long as you realize that that person you were with was not treating you right, then you are already doing fine. i did the same thing as you.. gave more than i received and i was just not happy... i'm glad that things worked out the way they did because i have met someone now that would do anything for me... which is more than i can say for my ex! good luck and congrats for doing as well as you are!

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