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ATTENTIONS ALL GUYS i want to ask you...


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Do you care about the clothes a girl wears? Be honest, do you like miniskirts? What about lowcut tops, and such? And does it hurt to kiss someone wearing braces? And if you decide to take the plunge and ask a girl out, what prompts you to do that? Is it clothes or look or something she said or did or what? I'm a bit shy at this point in my life so i could never ask a guy out and i want to know what i should do to attract their attention.

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Wasup Anamarie !!!


I can tell from my taste in women , I dont like miniscirts , I do like cut tops , but that it will be in a proper way and no that you will see everything in a second. For every dress there is a different kind of guy.


1. If you are wild and sexual beast. You better open your top and ware mini with no underware.


2. If you are regual girl that like fasion so you can dress less b***cy than num 1, and be okai.


3. If you are shy and dont like to open your top too much and wear pants 25/7. So dress as you feel comfortable.


Since your dress shows exactly who you are, so if you will dress different, you will get things you dont expect to show up. Dress as you feel comfortabe and follow fashion , dress stylish as you can.


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I always like it when girls wear next to nothing but thats jut me . I don't think what you wear will really affect how a guy looks at you, just be yourself. I know you'll hear that a lot if you havn't already but it is a very important lesson. The sooner you accept who you are and learn to like who you are, the sooner others will accept and like you! I'm not saying people won't like you or whatever before you do but...I'm confusing myself here so yeah.

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As a guy i will be tottaly honest. Yes, wearing low-cut tops and miniskirts does help attract guys. however, getting them to ask you out may require you to flirt a little. look into their eyes. laugh at their jokes (if you like the guy, it is possible that you may have to laugh at some corny ones for him to like you more)> good luck!

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Hmm, that's a good question. It's the clothes that get the attention i reckon, but i do care about how someone represents themselves and if that someone likes 2 dress around in miniskirts in public, i'd think twice about asking them out. Say if it was a bf/gf situation already, it'd b pretty cool if she put on a miniskirt for once but yea.


Lowcut tops are defintely ok, everyone wears them. Its usually the person that i get to know that i ask out. But its always the first physical attraction that starts the whole thing. That doesn't hav 2 b what she's wearing, sometimes its totally the looks. Once i notice that person, i get 2 kno them, if they're not who i like then i won't ask them out.


What makes me ask a girl out? I believe i got nothin 2 loose, we do live once, and i sure as hell's gonna make the most of it.


Happy Heb

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Do you care about the clothes a girl wears? Be honest, do you like miniskirts? What about lowcut tops, and such? And does it hurt to kiss someone wearing braces? And if you decide to take the plunge and ask a girl out, what prompts you to do that? Is it clothes or look or something she said or did or what? I'm a bit shy at this point in my life so i could never ask a guy out and i want to know what i should do to attract their attention.


Yes I do care about the clothes a girl wears. I would definitely notice if they dress better than average. In contrast to other posters, I like miniskirts but I don't like lowcut tops all that much. I mean it looks sexy but come on every girl wears that. I'd rather notice and respect a girl if she dresses well but a little classier (read: don't go around wagging your boobs in people's faces). If you want a guy to ask him out, I'd suggest you a) give him some sort of hints that you like him such as smile at him when he looks at you, go talk to him about stuff etc., or b) you let the guy know through a friend that you'd like him to ask you out. Most guys will use such a chance, and if they don't at least you can be sure they *really* don't want to date you.

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Love minis, and low cuts, tight jeans etc. as long as they arent trampy, just trendy.


Tattoos can be sexy if not over done, just an accent a small, butterfly or something like that.


As for braces, well, I wore them recently, actually still have the lowers, anyway, only kissed two girls with them (among other things) and no problem for them at all. when people kiss they dont rub teeth nore does the tongue touch the front of the teeth so, the one being kisses doesnt really notice them much, if at all.


Getting back to the cloths, thats just icing on the cake, that may help you get more glances, but what makes most worthwhile guys stay, will be your personality and general looks.


Physical features are not that important to me, but being fit is, and theres always something you can do about that. one of the things that I find so attractive about Britney and Shakira is those sexy Abs, tight bodies (not muscular) and great outfits. Britney I have been told does up to a thousand sit ups in one session, Shakira does that Belly Dancing, they arent born with those bodies they are made.


Like I said, dressing hot, and being in shape will definatly turn heads, but your attitude and personality are what will keep them interested.

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I definitely agree with the previous posts.

I think that it is crazy sweet to see girls wear revealing clothes but that is my eye candy. You will definitely get noticed with those clothes but respect is different. I agree that you will get guys to stay with you because of your personality though.

Braces I don't believe affect anything. I don't personally know but from what I hear it doesn't matter.

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