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Should I talk to her? or should I not?

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Well, as I said last time, my girlfriend broke up with me but still wants me as a friend (and sincerely means it too). However, everytime I talk to her, my feelings for her are still there. What's worse is that whenever we talk for a long period of time I'll usually get depressed because I know the person whom I am talking to is no longer my girlfriend. Evern though I truly want her back, I don't think I can get her to love me the way I love her, which is very emotionally painful. So now I told myself that I can't keep talking for her (at least for a while) because I need to get my life straight and put myself back together. Am I doing the right thing? Will she hate me for that? I really need some help here!

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you really should stop seeing her for awhile. you will never get over her unless you do. she might be confused at first, but just explain how you feel. she should understand, but she might not. you have to think about yourself in this situation because if you keep talking to her & see her all the time, you will always feel pain.

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Do exactly what you put in your post. You need time to recover, and think about things, and if she's had previous boyfriend's, then she should definitely understand. I think it's best that you explain the situation with her, I'm sure you can be very open about it, and that things will work out for the best. You'll get over her, trust me, everything will work out... Good luck and keep us updated!!

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i can totally understand what ure going through.. i am friends with my x and even after 7 mnths its not easy.


i still have feelings for her ... now i talk to her occasionaly


its a hard enough job getting over somebody .. but i realised i would never get over her unless i stop contacting her or talking to her .


infact i didnt call her for 3mnths and she called up one day ..to ask why i hadnt called her and again asked me to stay in touch ..


my advise is do what i do talk to her but once in a while ..


good luck

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here's what it is. she feels guilty, and if she can be friends with you, she doesn't have to be in a relationship with you to help the guilt. she'll get it all her way. that would be fine, if you love her -- but only if it goes the other way around too.


i know it's natural to think that if you hang out with her, maybe she'll start liking you again. but she won't. she's a girl -- she'll just think -- "hey, this friends thing is working out well!"


if there's any hope of her liking you again, it'll only be when you are COMPLETELY absent from her life.


call/email her to tell her you don't think a friendship is practical. after that, set her free. if she comes back, she's yours. if she doesn't, she never was. don't screw this up by calling her in the middle.


dude, good luck. i feel for you. been there.

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