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i did the same mistake again... fool again

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Dont worry mate, it's not just you. I think at one point or another most people get caught and do that.

*I*'ve just done exactly the same thing. Spend ages thinking about it, pluck up the courage to tell them how you feel and *pow* you get the "think of you as a good friend" line. It DOES hurt and it is a hell of a setback but in a way its a good setback (go with me on this one for a minute) - they are still there, they are still your friend and even though you cant be together as a couple you CAN still be there as friends!


So, i suppose in a way, you havn't lost anything AND you haven't gained anything either.


Ok, i suppose its not much use as advice or anything but its nothing that YOU do, if you look back, the board is full of people saying they are attracted to thier friend and should they tell them or not. I suppose in some freaky land KNOWING and being able to move on is better than sitting around going "do they...? dont they..?" all the time?


im shutting up now

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