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Love Triangle.... FUN! *sigh*

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Before you read on, this is a L-O-N-G post.


Hello everyone,


I am new to this site, dunno really how I came upon it, but I am seeking any help I can get. As the title read, I get to experience the torture known as the Love Triangle. I will break this down for you all.


Firstly, let me hit the basics. My name is Mike(nice to meet you all, while I'm at it.). I met this girl about a year ago, and she and I hit it off very quickly. At the time she was going out with a friend of mine and I had no problem with it. Unfortunately, as we became closer, I started having feelings for her. As time went on, we shared more and more about ourselves to each other, and I basically know every aspect of her life(which is a very tragic story.). One of the things that brought us closer was the fact that we both suffer from some very serious depression. We've been a big support in each others' lives ever since.

After knowing her for about four months, her boyfriend dumped her and she fell into a serious slump. She had some very hard times living with herself during that time, and I did everything I could to try to help her. As an effect of my actions, I felt myself developing feelings for her. Since I also have some rather nasty self-esteem issues, I was scared stiff to ask her anything, though I did suspect that she started having feelings for me as well. When we had free time, we spent it together, just doing things normal friends would. We talked quite a bit, and I found her to be a very good person to talk to. When she had problems, I would help her, and vice versa.

Well, after about two more months(and learning even more about her), she decided to try hooking up with another friend of mine, and this made me unhappy. I actually cared for her by then. In a mere year she had become a very important person in my life. I dare even say that I might love her. I made a vow with myself, however, that I would not interfere in any way with that relationship. It would be better that they be happy than I be happy. They've been going out ever since, and I still suspect that she harbors feelings for me.

Her boyfriend, who I remind you, is a good friend of mine, is becoming somewhat suspicious of the friendship between us. He thinks that there is something going on between us behind his back, which is very odd behavior for him. He's never been somewhat threatened by me in any shape or form, and suddenly he is? It worries me that I am going to forge a rift between people, and I don't want that. I feel that I am becoming the third side in a demented love triangle. To make it worse, all three of us are having dreams of something happening(I am aware that probably many of you believe that dreams are nothing but random images, but I personally believe they mean some sort of hidden desires or emotions.).

Now for my request. I need some advice of what I should do. What should my battle plan be? Back down and keep quiet, or should I say something? If you have any input on this, please do not hesitate to reply.


Thank you for reading this, I know it was long and tedious.


Little Silver Trumpet[/i]

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im sorry to hear that you are in this situation. no one ought to be in it. you're dealing w/ fire here though. if i was in your position...i would in fact tell her. although, i would tell her in advance that what you are about to say does not mean that you need a response. tell her as a fact...not as in a question to asking her out. just state it so that she knows. yes you are risking a lot. you're risking a great friendship, but it's for better or for worse. im surprised that she hasn't talked to you about your friendship and possibly it going further. just be upfront w/ her. if she is your best friend and that both you and her can tell each other everything then you ought to be able to do this beautifully. i liked this guy who supposedly liked this girl and the girl really liked him. the boy and i became really close where we could tell each other anything and where we could help each other w/ our problems. i merely called him up one day and said "i know that this won't change anything, but i just wanted to let you know that i like you a lot." the funny thing is...he felt the same way. it's a risk. But it's a beautiful risk that will break down a barrier you have been holding up for a long time. Good luck!!

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I would simply like to add to what Kay said. I believe that she deserves to know your feelings. However that could present a problem with you friend. If this girls likes you too, then she may break up with this guy for you. If so you may want to wait a week or so, so that your friend dosen't get too suspicious. Whether or not she likes you in the same way, she deserves to know.

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I read your advice and I thank you dearly for giving me advice. Unfortunately, I now have another problem to address.... I tried telling her how I felt earlier this week, but I suddenly couldn't breathe! I started getting that.... what would you call it... that feeling in your chest you have when you're with someone you love. I guess you'd call it a "love feeling"? Anyway, I had one of those, and I quickly had to switch subjects to something else entirely, while I beat myself up inside. I just have no idea what I'm going to do... I hate myself for not telling her how I felt when she was still single. Is there any way to tell her without having to hire the services of an artificial respirator? *goes back to slamming his head on the keyboard*

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