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Should I do it?


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I had a date with the girl that I liked. Basically this is our first date and I felt like I have not showed interest towards her (our coversation was mostly one way). I know I should have showed more interest towards her. Should I ask her for a second date?




I didn't make any moves on her (putting my arms around her shoulders, etc...). I wasn't sure if she'd like it. Should I have done the opposite thing even though this is our first date?




I really didn't ask for her celphone number, but I knew it through my caller ID. Would it be rude to call her?

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I you like her, definatly ask her out again, and do make it known to her that you are interested, she could be thinking now that you didnt like her because you didnt make even the slightest advance.


dont miss the opportunities, to look into her eyes and smile, to hold her hand, to ask her questions, and to give her a little kiss goodbye, even if its only on the cheek.

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