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It seems to me that, while break-ups are obviously really awful and it's understandable to miss your ex and hope with all your heart that you'll get back together, it's NOT reasonable to feel completely desperate and alone, and as if your whole life is dependent on them coming back to you. I've been starting to think that maybe my feelings of loneliness and heartbreak are partly to do with my low self-esteem and and how hard I've always found it to cope with loss. Um... wow, I'm so glad this is anonymous.


Anyway, I've been doing this online therapeutic thing that's designed to help people challenge negative thoughts and beliefs (basically DIY cognitive behavioural therapy). It's free and I've found it really calming. I think it's pretty useful as a tool for managing the torrent of feelings I have around the break-up. I'm not allowed to post the link but if you Google "mood gym" it should be one of the first results.


I still hope that one day I will get back together with my lovely, special, infuriating ex-boyfriend, but in the meantime, I'm trying to use this as a way to get some psychological distance and be able to think rationally about the possibility of a future without him. It's not a quick fix - I still cry every day - but it's helping me focus.


I hope this helps others too!

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