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LIfe's Little Turns & Twists

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Do any of you remember approaching your teenage years when you would ask your parents "when will i ever find a boyfriend who will love me", only to get a reply "oh you don't need to worry, that special person will come right along sooner than you think". You would listen but somehow things never made much sense.


Then you meet that special person, get married, have children, and tell your children the same thing and wonder why they worry about those things so much...


However, when you get divorced yourself and find yourself all alone then you begin to wonder "when will i ever meet someone special again" you can't understand the meaning of your own words advise, you find yourself alone and uwanted.


Being alone sucks but i try to think of the good things that i can do and places i can go.


I get to go to a Jazz Club this weekend with friends, can't wait! Perhaps I'll find my Neil Diamond there!

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You must be whole before you can love a person wholey. Then, once you can love a person wholey, you can make it something holy by mutual agreement. Then, they do something unholy that breaks your heart- you are left alone, back to fixing yourself for another to come.


But should living life just be an enjoyment of another individual(s) or should it be more about experiencing and exploring yourself? I think when people forget how to express/experience/explore/grow themselves, they lose those that they love just as life's simple process- you can't get anywhere without learning some lessons first, and that applies to every part of life.


But anyways...Hooray for singleness!

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But should living life just be an enjoyment of another individual(s) or should it be more about experiencing and exploring yourself? QUOTE]


That's an excellent point. Is happiness all about living for the enjoyment of another individual? Thanks,

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Then you meet that special person, get married, have children, and tell your children the same thing and wonder why they worry about those things so much...


However, when you get divorced yourself and find yourself all alone then you begin to wonder "when will i ever meet someone special again" you can't understand the meaning of your own words advise, you find yourself alone and uwanted.


Even if the marriage did not work out in the end, your parents were right when they said



"oh you don't need to worry, that special person will come right along sooner than you think"


You did meet a special someone afterall. Although it did not last forever, it held a special place in your life. You would not have your children if you had not met that person.


The good thing about life is that you can be given more than one chance to find a special someone. Try to have an open heart and maintain optimism.


If you're kids ever ask you the golden question, don't hesitate to give them the optimistic answer:


"that special person will come right along sooner than you think"


It will at least allow them to approach life and love with an open heart.




P.S. I hope you have fun at the jazz club!

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