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So my dad hates my friends and my girlfriend...

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My father simply hates them! I don't see why, the friends I have are the same group of people he kicked it with in High School! Video games, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons... we do all that "Nerd" stuff that he did! So why is he so upset with me hanging around my friends all the time?


He refuses to acknowledge it for the most part, and when he does, it's a simple, "I don't want you over there." He's had no problems with my friends and for the past year and a half has had no issues.


This past month he's been ballistic!


He's even turned on my girlfriend, who he claims that the fact of liking her or not plays no role in keeping her away from me... I can't go to her house now, she can't come to ours, we can't go on dates, and he's tried to limit how much (and by that I mean tried to eliminate) we talk on the phone!


He says it's because I don't pay attention to me, my grades, or my probation. Now that's highly unfair because I care about me... I keep myself clean, well dressed, smelling nice... I just have long hair because I look ugly with short hair! As for my grades... ONE BAD GRADE! ONE F! I've had WAY WORSE and he's been FAR MORE lenient! And that grade is not because my girlfriend distracts me, as he claims!, it's simply because I got lazy in that class and forgot a huge project... Easily fixable!

As for my probation... I'm doing everything in my power to stay on track, to get everything done... and I've been on this since a week after I started dating my girlfriend, and he only started having a problem with it a week ago!


So... can anyone give me some advice on how to let him see how I feel and try to negotiate with him... or am I simply stuck in a rut until I move out and he's out of my life for good...? (Can't control me... and he's hurt me a few times [a few physical times, nothing terrible...] so I can't wait to get him away from me for good)

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