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I wanna be chased. I've always been the chaser


I've been chased before, but it's only been a few times, and always by a girl who I have no interest in, the kind who has difficulty comprehending words with more than two syllables, and whose favourite conversational topics include how R&B music of today is terrible compared to R&B music of two years ago, and how much she digs Paris Hilton.


Of course I've done my fair share of chasing girls who were not ever interested in me, so it's not like I blame them or would suggest to they give up on it... Like it or not, 9/10 times that's how things have to start, one party is interested and shows it!

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Come to think of it, I've had a few girls chase after me, too. This one, in particular, good Lord... she wouldn't leave me alone. And ironically, it was at church too. I didn't even know the girl liked me (I was very dense at the time, plus I had absolutely no interest in her at all), so I never caught on.


Finally her dad goes, "So , when are you gonna ask out my daughter?" And I'm like, what? And I start laughing... of course, this is right in front of her. I felt bad, and tried to let her down easy, but it was hard. I had no interest whatsoever in her, and didn't figure it out until that moment that she really liked me. I thought she was just... well, being herself. (She had a very bold personality to begin with.) Oh well.

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