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This Girl is Beautiful and into me? maybe?

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Here we go... kind of a strange situation, but similar to any "attraction" situations you read about.


I meet Girl X and Y at work (my type of work puts me up with different crews everyday). X is, gorgeous.... absolutely incredible. I get along with X, she even came over to say hi to me at one point, which was flattering. Y goes to school with me, so i befriend her on Facebook (for those that understand befriending on this is no big deal). I don't befriend X because, she does not attend the same college and we only had brief convos.


So Y and I work together a few times we have a good time working together, I am not attracted to Y at all (she is beautiful however). So about 2 months pass, then suddenly on Facebook I'm asked to befriend X (meaning X had to find my name and deliberately befriend me)... this is completely out of the blue, because it had been 2 months since I worked with Y. So I start looking at X's profile. For those that understand how Facebook works, when you befriend someone or do really any action whilst on the site, it tells all your friends what you're doing. Anywho so it says You and X are friends. So I browse her pictures then return to her main page... all the people she befriended that day, all the actions she did are up there... except mine is gone.


So I go "huh". I think this implies that she likes me but doesn't want anyone to know. X is in a relationship (yay add some more drama to the mix yes!).


Anywho, so I see Y at a party recently... and she comes up to me (she is pretty damn drunk) and the first thing she says to me "you need to steal my friend, X, away from her BF... we hate him." I laugh and say I will (I was sober). Then later that night as she is sobering up (and kissing my neck as she does) she says it again. X is not at this party.


So am I to go after X? or do I back off? I mean, X initiated some kind of revival to our meeting again. She is dating of course (only been 3 weeks into the dating process... god Facebook gives out too much info) so that tells me no... but since its short and she initiated moreso (and Y must be speaking from something she heard from X) think its ok?


How do I go about such? calling up? partying? I'm pretty aware of what to do exactly, but I always seem to second guess myself... I don't want to come on too strong, and I don't know if its appropriate. Any advice would help.

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Well it seems like a pretty tough situation. But my opinion is that since X is in a relationship, you shouldn't try to squeeze into that situation. But I would suggest to let it be known to X that you have some feelings/attraction to her but since she has a b/f dont want to act on it, but would like to be friends and hang out(but really mean being just friends b/c if she tries to cheat/leave her current b/f just b/c just putting on too strong then she could do the same to you) Well good luck on it and hopefully this helps!



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I would consider the facebook thing completely irrelevant - too easy to just "click" and she can just as easily "unclick" and you have no idea what her view is on adding someone as a friend. I agree with the other poster to not pursue someone who has a boyfriend.

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i triple that advice, do not peruse someone that had a BF.

Stay friends with her and nothing more.

Maybe your time will come another time, maybe she’s not right for you. but getting caught up now would only make things messy, and a messy start to a relationship is never good.

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