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Friends, But No..*?.Communication.?*


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ok, this post is just the opposite of "falling in love with Friends" i just didn't see a RIGHT forum to post on


(thinking to myself) Maybe Administration should "CREATE" a forum under



Falling in love with Friends

Friendship/Losing Friends


That would be so much more convenient, just a Thought...! Any ways, to my question Iv 'e known this girl for a while, became friends (some what) more meeting up at this club every Friday, i have her Phone #, i called (waited 3 days) we small talked for a while, she is always busy. Communication between us slipped to a bare minimum, i would call, leave messages, wait....wait.....wait, No reply..-->


it's been about 3 weeks since i talked to her. she left for vacation, came back. was spoused to be at this club..on Friday. Didn't show.? she has a B/f. is dating. blah blah blah , Bottom line is...she thinks this about me "AS A FRIEND". she told me this, Nothing else. The funny thing is...i never wanted to date her, she has been married/Divorced at a young age. she is 24, I'm 22, (part of the reason she wont date me) age gap....what |3ullshit, she never really kept it real with me,...and that is why i don't see her as a friend. b/c we don't hang out, and i want her to know this. But how do i say "hey, I don't want to be friends" but not that forward....?

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Don't bother with her mate!


Just let that one go and forget about her. If she then contacts you then thats her problem. Also when you next see her why don't you point out that she's being dicriminatory against you because of your age gap? - She might actually find herself quite shocked to have someone point out that she discriminates against folk because of their age.


Most women like to think they're pretty perfect and don't discriminate against people over anything yet they'll frequently turn away a younger man. Point this out to her if she ever contacts you again and see how that makes her feel about herself.


Say something like "Sorry I don't have the time of day for age discriminators, have a nice day!" and walk off!

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