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guys: what qualities do you find most attractive in girls


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Originally Posted by musicguy

we all get judged by looks


Yes I know, it sucks..that why I never had a gf

don't be so hard on yourself, there's someone out there for you, you just need to go find them


geez. you shouldn't beat yourself down like that.


anyways, another quality:


great relationship with her father


i've never heard that one before, how does that attract you?

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It's interesting that I cant answer that question properly, it's almost as if I was never really attracted to anyone, but may be passive about it, because I'm seeing things in terms of rejection and acceptance. Obviously a woman must have a relationship with God first and foremost, then I'm sure there are attractive qualities in every person that's not excessively fat, doesn't lie or lead on, doesn't have close guy friends already in the picture, is mentally stable, is reasonably attractive (test - of attractiveness - if out in public with her, will I say 'darn I'm stuck with this eye-sore' or will I not care). Since it's assumed that I'm rejected by lots of women, then it must also be assumed that those who are attracted to me must have something special about them, or they wouldn't be attracted to me in the first place since that makes them different from everyone else.


Well, dont know if that helps, but that's just a few answers.

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confidence is sexy dude, everyone tells me that


I do have confidence but I get turned down alot..I know because I have been doing online dating for 8 yrs now and I haven't met any girls yet..I get no responses back..I got some response, which were mean responses back and those don't count..No girls find me attractive at all..I am a nice guy, fun, caring, outgoing, athletic..What else am I missing? What else does it take.

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I do have confidence but I get turned down alot..I know because I have been doing online dating for 8 yrs now and I haven't met any girls yet..I get no responses back..I got some response, which were mean responses back and those don't count..No girls find me attractive at all..I am a nice guy, fun, caring, outgoing, athletic..What else am I missing? What else does it take.


im sure their are many girls out there that will find you attractive. don't do online dating, it's so fake. Go out with your friends to a club or a restaurant or a party or something like that and just talk to girls and use your confidence. act like you've never been hurt and let them see who you really are. even if you don't find yourself attractive, try doing things that will make you feel more important and better about yourself. everyone has different taste, and there's definitely someone out there for you.

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and wait wait wait.. is that a PRE quote?!


i find you attractive already!


I don't have alot of friends anymore, they all moved. But I do go out but not to the bars or clubs..I go to the bookstores, Walmart, the park, places like that..I don't know why but I feel online dating is the only way I will meet a girl because I am not into the bar or club scene and when I go out I don't see alot of single girls in the stores..yes I do see them but there with their bf, with a group of guys or they have a ring on their finger..Whenever I go out I just don't see alot really..Yes I know alot of online dating is fake and chances are slim for me to meet a girl on there..I know because I have been doing online dating for 8 yrs and nothing at all...I just use the free dating websites..plentyoffish and cupid...I no longer use the paying sites..big waste of money and they don't work.


Yes..thats a pre quote..I have been a pre fan since I was a kid..I am also into long distance running..I run everyday, I can run a mile less than 5 mins..I ran track in Hs and if I wasn't clostophobic I would run a marthon and I know I would win.


It bugs me that my athletic ability has never attracted any females at all

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the problem with going to places like wal-mart and the park to try to find girls is that you'll never ever find them there. their objective when they're at those places is to get what they need and get out. they're not there to try to find someone who they can have a relationship with that can last the rest of their life, they're more or less looking for what they're going to have for dinner tonight. The advantages of going to a bar or a club is that the girls who are there are looking to do the same thing as you are, to try and meet new people and maybe, *hopefully*, be able to find someone to share a relationship with. I don't know you, so i can't judge you, but i feel that you are insecure with yourself because you feel that you'll never meet a girl that you can have a relationship with. But, i promise you that if you went out to a party or club or bar and let the confident person that you want to be out, that you would be much more attractive to many people. I know that i probably wouldn't approach a guy who dioesn't seem confident in himself. I understand that not having interactions with womencan be discouraging, but the type of women that are meant for you and are attracted to you are a lot like you in many ways. They probably feel you would never have an interest in them and would never even take a chance.

Another good place, especially for you, to go to would be the gym. a LOT of single women go to the gym for the sole purpose of attracting guys. or also try a running club. displaying your best abilities will make you feel tons better about yourself, and you will attract girls without even trying! just be assertive abnd take a chance with everyone that you can, what's the worst that can happen? they say no. fair and square, then they weren't the one for you anyway, you can do without them. you just really need to be confident in yourself and give yourself a kick in the butt to get you motivated to do so, because you don't want to be lonely forever.



also, you are probably twice (if not more) as attractive as you think you are. garunteed.


pre is my idol and inspiration, and that is one of my favorite quotes. I run varsity xc and track for my highschool and i love it with a passion. i run everyday and it's my release for stress and other problems. often when i have something on my mind that i can't stop thinking about, i'll set off on a run and won't stop until i get what it is on my mind off or until i physically can't move my legs another step further, and it works. running is lovee

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Yes, I do go to the gym everyday..I have been going to the gym for a long time..From my experience alot of girls there really don't want to chat, they just want to workout and alot of them don't want to be bothered..I know because I see alot of them with headsets in their ears and once I was trying to have a conversation with a girl and she told me.."Can't you see I am trying to workout" I don't think the gym is a good place to meet girls..


Thats good to hear pre is your idol and that you also run..Yes running does release alot of stress..Thats why I run alot and workout alot, which helps me not to think about all of this gf and relationship stuff, which sometimes puts me down alot.

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Attractive, willing to come up and say hi to anyone, considerate but not to the point its annoying, open minded (this applies primarily to being conscious of her own rights and wrongs), likes to party but has limits, comfortable with her own looks (doesn't bring up her looks every time she comes near a window/mirror)

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I like my woman to be conservative, not dress skimpy. I don't like those women that try to make guys like them for their [skimpy, sexy] looks. If they're confident in their own self to where they dress conservatively, and are conservative in their personality, it's a huge turn on for me. I'm pretty conservative, myself, after all. The sexy look shows me (just my opinion, not saying it's always fact) she's not really looking for a long-term, serious relationship; but most likely a sex fling. That's just not for me.


A conservative living in NYC, is like a sheep living amongst wolves, I tell you!


I like a girl that can laugh and play, but also be serious, when the time is right; romantic, compassionate, understanding, truthful, modest, open-minded, has a certain level of morals; one who is hard to get (not simply plays it); doesn't play games with others' minds; one who is philosophic, and deep; not one who is shallow and chatty all of the time; a woman who's not into watching porn, nor fantasizing about other men while in a relationship with a man; one who is comfortable with sitting in silence, or listening to light music with her man... just being still and taking in the moment. I play guitar, and can play some nice, light, love songs... so she has to put up with that, as well.

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Physically: Tall, short hair, dark hair, tattoos, exotic/vampy appearance.


Non-physically: Aggressive, adventurous, uninhibited, confident, pursuer/initiator, eccentric/offbeat, provocative/sexy dresser, tomboyish.


I seem to be in the minority, but I have a near-fetish for short-haired women. And the more aggressive and uninhibited, the better. I have a special appreciation for eccentric women. And being from the 1970s, I'm still waiting for the bra-less look to come back.

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Physically: Tall, short hair, dark hair, tattoos, exotic/vampy appearance.


Non-physically: Aggressive, adventurous, uninhibited, confident, pursuer/initiator, eccentric/offbeat, provocative/sexy dresser, tomboyish.


I seem to be in the minority, but I have a near-fetish for short-haired women. And the more aggressive and uninhibited, the better. I have a special appreciation for eccentric women. And being from the 1970s, I'm still waiting for the bra-less look to come back.


haha, major props for you to for being different square wheel

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