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he got me a diamond necklace

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I just had to brag. It's so beautiful. A heart with lots of tiny diamonds - let Valentines Day present. sigh


Hi Hazey,


Brag away my friend, it's nice to hear a bit of positivity every now and again. You lucky girl you!


I always enjoy buying my wife jewellery, but shhhhh, don't tell her!

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Aww man, I would not have a clue what is a good piece of jewellery vs what's a bad one... Same with clothes...


If she truly likes it, then it's good. If she feels she has to like it because it's expensive, then it's bad.


It's not always the jewellery itself that means the most, often it's the thought and feelings behind it that count for more.

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I just had to brag. It's so beautiful. A heart with lots of tiny diamonds - late Valentines Day present. sigh



thats so sweet!!!



I wouldnt want jewellary unless it was a ring of some sort, I already wear a pendant I dont take off and a watch.

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Aww man, I would not have a clue what is a good piece of jewellery vs what's a bad one... Same with clothes...


That's why you bring her closest girlfriend along if you're ever picking out an expensive piece of jewellry. If it's not really expensive, then ask the sales lady, your mom or sister, or any other woman who happens to be around.

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