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ever been droppped?

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It happened to me when I was in grade school. I just remember going away to live somewhere and then coming back a few years later (keeping in touch the whole time) and then my best friend just didn't seem to have anything in common with me anymore so she just started ignoring me. It was really weird and really disappointing. Since then, I have never been dropped, but I have seen friendships fade away but that was due to mutual lack of interest in keeping in touch after moving away and developing different friendship circles and different interests.

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My best friend got in trouble with the law. I didn't care what he did, this man was my brother, and I was going to stand by him through thick and thin. I found his mom and gave her my new number, I showed up at his arraignment(sp?) and was ready to set through his trial.


He never made any effort to contact me. He took a plea bargin and went to jail for a year. Got out early and that was well over six months ago. I still haven't heard from him...damn him.

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im just wondering...has anyone out there ever been dropped by their best friend??


I apparently was dropped recently by a guy that used to be my best friend by far, and had been for a very long time. This is a guy I had known for 25 years, with whom I had gone to high school, worked in the same industry, and finally had as a roommate for several years until he got married and moved to a different state to be closer to his wife's family. We still talked on the phone a few times a year after that, and he had even dropped by to visit a few times when he was in my neck of the woods. But a couple of years ago he stopped calling, and the last several times I have tried to call him to catch up, I never reach him and my messages are not returned (I know that he still lives there, as I did speak very briefly to his wife once). My most recent attempt to call him, a few months ago, was also my last - if he wants to maintain our friendship at this point, I guess he will have to call me, but I have the distinct sense that he will not be doing so.


Even though this was far less abrupt of a "drop" than what I assume you have just experienced, it still leaves me feeling sad. I am talking about a guy who once knew that he could call me at 3 a.m. to drive upwards of two hours to where his vehicle was disabled and pick him up (and whom I could and did rely upon for similar help when I needed it). I can only guess why he has decided to cut off any further contact. The only reason I can think is that it may be that he thinks having an aging bachelor in so-so health as a friend is not a fit with his happy, healthy, busy family life ... that, having not been lucky enough to go down the same path that he did, I am no longer a good enough person to maintain even occasional contact with.



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I am actually thinking of dumping a very close friend, someone who has shared alot with me. I don't know if its the right thing to do or not. I gave warning that I was tired and give up about the friendship and reasons why I felt that way. So if I do dump the friendship I feel that I already tried to explain why. I know it will probably be painful but a fast pain is better than a slow pain and it makes me very nervous but I still think its for the best.

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My ex dropped a whole group of friends at the drop of the hat - kind of a warning for me which I ignored, as he dumped me a couple of months later in what seems to be a similar way.


He decided this guy and his brother (one whom he had gone to secondary school with, the other who was in his band) weren't good enough friends, and just stopped talking to them after one email explaining what was going to happen. Really awkward for me, I'm friends with the brother and one of my best friends is really close to him too (kind of how the ex and I got together).


Lucky for me now, him doing that alienated any mutual friends we had, so I don't have to deal with that, and now they're all on my side no matter what, teehee!

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When I moved away to a different city, my best friend insisted on following me a year later. Well, I was willing to have her around. But it was completely her idea. So I got us a nice apartment and even found a bed, other furniture, and a job for her! We were only 18 so we were talking alot about what we wanted to do with our lives. I wanted to travel but she wanted to go to university. So we made a deal that we would both apply to university and if either one of us didn't get accepted, we would go to Japan instead. We were both accepted. So I decided I wanted to take one big trip before school started. I went to Brazil for a month. While I was there, she went home for a visit (very far away). While she was at home, her parents convinced her that she was a crazy nutcase (which was true, except that I can honestly say she had never been so healthy as when she was living with me. She overcame her depression and her eating disorder.) So she decided to stay home and not come back to live with me. She actually took the liberty of calling our landlord while I was in Brazil and telling her that we wouldn't be needing the place anymore. So I get back from Brazil and I have no home and my friend is not coming back. The worst of all? She insisted that I box up all her belongings and send them out to her, and she even demanded that I reimburse her for all the things we'd bought together (furniture, dished, etc.) Man, what a psycho. I guess it turned out well because I still went to university and now I have a degree and a job I like. But still, what a loser she was.

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My best friend of 15 years all of a sudden dropped me some years ago. All of a sudden she started bragging about how shes hanging out with her sisters friends, stopped going out with me, became fake-distant.. I even asked her "why dont you like me anymore, did i do something? I got a fake answer..


It hurt really bad, shes the only person i ever confided in, losing her was hard.

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