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the story is as follows: im kind of a shy guy who doesnt have a lot of luck with women so im hoping that i will get as much feedback and tips as possible. i work at a ski hill operating the lifts and there is an extremely attractive girl who snowboards there. the first day i saw her i was blown away by how beautiful she was. she didnt really notice me at first (i dont think) until she looked my way. i stared into her eyes and gave her a smile and she smiled back. as i mentioned above, i operate the lifts so the only time i see her is for 5 seconds at the most before she loads the chair and heads for the top of the hill. when she sees me she waves, smiles and says hi, but there isnt enough time for anything else. i really want to get to know her, plus winters winding to an end so the hill will be closing soon. so if anyone could help me out in finding a way that i could actually have a conversation with her without it being 5 seconds long, i would really appreciate it. the second part of it is that i am shy and get nervous when i see her. i need tips on how to overcome my shyness and how to engage in a conversation without it seeming awkward on my behalf. im only 18 and so is she (if that helps in anyway) thank you eNotAlone and thank you to everyone who replies

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its not as simple to 'speak up' for me. i get all choked up, the thoughts in my head race at the speed of sound; im lucky if i can get hello out of my mouth without sounding like an idiot. and due to 'company policy' and 'so called 'insurance issues', i cant take a run down the hill until my shift is over. and by that time she is usually nowhere to be found.

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Ok...your problem is you need to stop thinking of her as some fantastic women! She's a person, no different that anybody else. All you really need to do, is as she is getting ready to start her run, is flash those big pearlies at her and ask for her number.


Because let me tell you, if you don't ask her, someone else will..and the longer you take to get your courage up, is that much more time for someone to move...so you better get to it bud!

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something i forgot to mention is that i dont even know her name....the only thing i know about her is that she likes to snowboard. so its probably not a good idea to get her number when i wouldnt know who to ask for when i call. i am way to shy to even get a name....i need some serious help!

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Ok...your problem is you need to stop thinking of her as some fantastic women! She's a person, no different that anybody else.


Well said. I was going to say this myself.


To the OP, you've built her up too much already, that's why you're choked up and nervous. She's just a human being. She farts, burps, poops, yells at her friends, acts selfish, etc just as much as the rest of us. Who cares if you approach her, talk for a moment, and ask her for her number so you can go out sometime? What's the big deal if she says, "No" or "I have a boyfriend"? It doesn't matter. I'd do this soon if I were you because the longer you wait the harder it becomes and the more you fall. Get on the ball brother.

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thanks for the advice everyone. ill try my best to overcome my shyness and do what you hve been telling me to do...ask her for her number. these posts ahve helped me out quite a bit i think. i got to thinking the other night about this girl (whats new, i cant get her off my mind) and i thouht to myself, 'if i ask her out, she could say yes. how great would that be. but she could say no, who cares im only 18 with many years of dating ahead of me. BUT if i dont ask her, for the rest of my life ill have that unanswered question that could of so easily been answered if i had the balls....what if?

thanks everyone its been a pleasure

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