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the Law of Attraction and bad feelings

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HI Everyone! I have seen a lot of threads on the law of attraction lately so I wanted to post my question here! I have been practicing the law of attraction for a couple weeks. I have definetly seen the power of positive thinking and visualizing. I have one problem though. Everytime someone I know (friends, ex boyfriends, people I dated casually) finds someone new I have bad feelings. I don't like the jealousy I have been feeling when they hook up with someone. I know I am being silly and try to be thankful for everything that I have. But HOW do I stop these bad feelings? I can usually forget them for a few minutes while visualizing my future but they always pop back up! HELP! Thanks for any advice!!!

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Hi Jenna.....I too started applying the LOA..It's GREAT stuff....


To your question...I understand how you feel. I am trying to keep a positive mindset with all that I DO have. One thing I do is imagine things being worse than they are....and that usually snaps me back to reality.


As for the jealousy thing....rather than dwell on your friends fortune...

think of it being YOU...and how appreciative you would be if those same people were supportive and happy for you.....this might help. It takes practice...but like anything ..it gets easier each time you do it.


Hope that helped some...

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thank you Lady bugg!!! that does help. I am really trying to change my thinking. I really am not a jealous person. I guess I just have to wait my turn to find whatI desire! But LOA is amazing stuff!! I thought more people would help me on this one.. Come on LOA people help a sista out!!!

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The problem with positive thinking is that all of us have some core limiting beliefs about ourselves. The "I am not good enough " thoughts that simply wipe out all the positive thinking one can muster. The longer we had these negative limiying beliefs the more energy has been stored up behind them and within them, so some flimsy positive thought has no chnce agaisnt these power houses. Elimiate the limiting beliefs and then the positive beliefs will gradually transpire.


Be careful of what you think....

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