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Detecting attraction in others


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yes. it is quite entertaining. i usually notice how they act like they hate each other or are just basic type of friends. those usually end up doing it.



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Ah, not really.


Let's just say I'd like to know if someone I know wants to jump someone else's bones. I have this gut feeling, but I would like to be objective.

I guess it's difficult: human beings interact in so many different ways and some of those ways may, or may not, carry a specific meaning or imply certain feelings.

So I may think this someone wants to jump someone else's bones based on my observation of their interaction and be totally off track.

Know what I mean?

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i do kind of. you are eluding to someone possibly wanting to jump your bones, but you are unsure. yes?



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It's pretty easy to tell when folks are interested in each other.


When I was with my last gf, we kept our relationship on the quiet as we worked together - we didn't hide it but didn't advertise it either.


Everyone knew we were together from the way we looked at each other and how we physically reacted to each other.


From what we said to one another you wouldn't have known thus proving that 90% of communication is unspoken.

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i love watching my friends and some other getting close to getting it on. it's funny.



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