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It is just one of those days when I am seething with anger. Even though I haven't talked to her in over four months, today I seem to be remembering all of the s**** that she put me through. All of the lies... the broken promises... everything. I am tired of her existing in my mind and I wish that I could just wipe her out of it completely. What a waste of time our relationship was... I wish I had never met her.


The time that we spent together wasn't worth this kind of price.


Bleh, sorry if this sounds immature. I just needed to get it out.

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It is just one of those days when I am seething with anger. Even though I haven't talked to her in over four months, today I seem to be remembering all of the s**** that she put me through. All of the lies... the broken promises... everything. I am tired of her existing in my mind and I wish that I could just wipe her out of it completely. What a waste of time our relationship was... I wish I had never met her.


The time that we spent together wasn't worth this kind of price.


Bleh, sorry if this sounds immature. I just needed to get it out.


I have the same sentiments as you.

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Some wise people on here informed feeling feeling that anger, is a VERY good sign. Like coming to the end of getting over her, turning that corner.


Personally, when it comes to broken relationships..I think the anger is easier to deal with than the pain.


Hang in there bro.

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Better to get it out here, than to wake up angry and send a flaming email, like I did.


Ya know what though? We sit here and hurt, while it seems either they just move on or want it to be like it was with none of the investment.


I got no response after sending the email. I really didn't think I would, so I don't know what I was thinking, except I was really angry with her.


Why do people take advantage of others? I was reminded by a post in someone else's thread, that we need to come at this with love and understanding how the ex feels.


I am trying, but right now it helps to be angry and it is one of the stages of grief, anyway.

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Some wise people on here informed feeling feeling that anger, is a VERY good sign. Like coming to the end of getting over her, turning that corner.


Personally, when it comes to broken relationships..I think the anger is easier to deal with than the pain.


Hang in there bro.


i think if i sent her an email telling her what i thought i would get arrested LOL.


the anger has been so high the last few days, but wanting to contact her is getting less and less.

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Anger is a good sign when recovering from a break up, it usually leads to a breakthrough.



Your relationship and subsequent break up as painful as it was/is was not a waste of time at all. It was an experience and something that you should learn a great deal from.


I had a pretty rough break up over the summer of a 10 year relationship and the first few months were nothing but pure torture, but now I am grateful for the whole experience and would not trade that whole experience for anything even those two fews months of extreme pain were a great experience. I think that going through something like a hard breakup forces you to grow as a person and once you get through the worst of it you come out with a renewed excitement for life.


You are on your way my friend and soon you will see that not only was the relationship worth the price you had to pay at the end, but it was a bargin for what will gain going forward.



Take care mate!

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The thing is, I was actually okay a couple of days ago. It seems like it happens in cycles now... some days are better than others, but today has been bad for whatever reason. I woke up in a bad mood.


I am angry for a lot of reasons. I am really angry at myself, too, because I was a fool to stay with that girl for as long as I did... and I feel like I threw a lot of things away -- my time, friendships that I could have focused on more and developed further, and even the social life that I could have had to a degree. I just put all of my faith into her and everything that I had into her and I fell flat on my face. I was really stupid to think that I could depend upon her so heavily. Recently, I have come to a lot of conclusions... and I have grown not only to understand myself better but to understand her more and what I was to her... if that makes any sense at all. I think that at this point in my life I don't need her anymore. I need to move on, but I still feel angry over it, and it isn't something that I can really control. I wonder if there is ANYTHING of value in this world. If we put value into other people and fall flat on our faces, then what can we really value?


I guess maybe ourselves.

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