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I guess this is just me expressing my feelings. Feel free to reply if you'd like I am officially done with guys. I got in a relationship in December which started off good, but towards the middle of January we would get into arguments and he never made time for me. So I had to break up with him. I HAVENT SEEN HIM IN A MONTH. He IMs he yesterday telling me he misses me and he wants to be with me. He sounded genuine and I believed him. He said he didnt want to get hurt and I believed him. We were supposed to meet tonight until he text me saing he had a meeting. Then he claimed he'd text me at 930, but never did. So he stood me up again. WHY PLAY GAMES?! I cant stand him. I ended up IMing him a few minutes ago telling him that I am disappointed and I am done with him. I didnt wait for a response. He is so damn unreliable. I just feel like i am trying so hard and i get nothing in return. I have so much to offer someone, but I dont get a thing in return but heartache. It is just upsetting. I didnt think he would do this twice. I do feel like crying, but I dont want to allow mself to. I want to find him and just curse him out.

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Hey capri,


Ugh, he sounds like bad news. I dated a similar man when I first got here on ENA! He was all 'You're the one I gonna marry' after, like, a week which scared the hell out of me. Then after a month, he was 'forgetting' our dates, 'postponing' dates, 'too busy' for replying to a short email...




So I caved and broke up with him. Over the phone. It's not my style, but this time he had it coming. There was no need for decency, he had offended me too much for that already at that point (oh, I didn't mention that he was mentioning other women's big(ger) boobs to me, and saying that 'in dimmed light I looked great' )...


Forget him. But please do yourself a favour and don't generalize his behaviour to all males out there. I dated some other guys for short times after that (still recovering from my temporary 'date-frustration'), they were all sweet and sensitive. And my current man... is just beyond description. They exist, in fact I think many of them are on forums like ENA because they keep meeting women that do similar things...


Take care and treat yourself like a queen for a while.



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Don't be done with guys, just be done with THIS guy.... he sounds very selfish and totally unreliable.


The trick is to cut your losses when you discover someone doesn't treat you well or lies or is unreliable etc. Don't continue to get more involved with someone who is not trustworthy, but don't blame all guys because some of them are jerks...


So just write this guy off and spend your time and efforts enjoying friends until you find someone much nicer and more considerate than this guy, who will treat you with more respect.

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