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Advantages to Being Dumped

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Ah! Why tell you? Why?! It's funnier if they don't know lol


Another advantage - no more drunken texts/phone calls at 4am


This one's more personal, but now I can talk more freely with the one mutual friend we had that he argued with and stopped talking to. We never stopped talking, but it was awkward. Not anymore, woop!

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Well I do know his number by heart - it was mine! He's got my old phone. But my theory is, I'd have to wake up a lot more in order to remember it, so I'd stop before I sent him anything.


I am. Yesterday marked the best I've felt since the break up, and I know now I wouldn't take him back, not in a million years. Now when I think about him I'm not sad at all. I either feel indifferent or slightly repulsed.


^Another advantage right there. I finally got to see what a complete he actually is.

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I am. Still trying to tread carefully - make the most of feeling this good, because I haven't since November (before we broke up), but also making sure that I don't run into this blindly and let myself fall back to where I was. It makes sense to me that I should be feeling good again by now. We were only together 4.5 months, and it's nearly 2 months since the break up.

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107. Getting to reconnect with old friends

108. Spending a lot of money on yourself and not feeling guilty about it

109. The possibility of experiencing those new relationship "butterflies" that died long before your last relationship did

110. Learning new hobbies that you did not have time to learn

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114. Coming home without worrying that he won't even say hi to me.


115. Not having to deal with a 29 year old pouter (who won't admit to anything being wrong).


116. Being able to go to bed and not have to wonder if he will fall asleep on the couch...yet again.


117. Having only my own laundry to do, and only my own mess to clean up.


118. Realizing that all his friends recognize who he let go when he dumped me


119. Being able to spend my day with the realization that the relationship is over, rather than agonizing about whether the relationship is dying.


120. Realizing that I was the one with the courage, because even though he dumped me, I was the one who was willing to finally confront him about his nasty behavior.


121. Being able to spend my time with constructive people, rather than a man who is bent on self-destruction (but will smile through it all).


122. Recognizing that "wow, I'm really depressed" and getting the help I needed


123. Having the time and the impetus for serious self-reflection and self-growth.


ahhh... I could go on and on


I definitely agree with you latina, it's nice not having second thoughts syndrome. And as painful as it was during the break up to hear "I might be making the biggest mistake of my life, I don't know!!" I can rest assured that even if he doesn't feel it yet, at some point he will realize that that's exactly what it was.

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111. Grateful that he had the courage to end it. I probably would've stayed in the relationship, miserable and unhappy.


112. I don't have the second thoughts syndrome, wondering if I did the right/wrong thing.


113. Running into the ex eventually looking hotter and in a better place in life. Looking forward to that day. ALWAYS happens to me without fail.



I'm TRYING to believe these things. Thank you for pointing them out.

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Knowing that when its all said and done and they realize what they loss, when they try to come back you can tell them you not interested!!!!

I agree. They always call back. However, in my case, my ex dumped me this past Sunday. He had his mind made up since November. It was unfortunate for me that I continued to ignore him saying that he needs to take a seat back. But, one thing for sure, he was the one playing games and I was the one fantasizing about having a boyfriend and making excuses for his childish behavior. I don't like the way I feel right now, but I will get over it and so will you.

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- you find out who they really are..


- the time you gave them, becomes your time again to yourself


- you bring sexy back to yourself, YUP!


- the feeling of dating again with someone new, which i miss!


- You find new routines to do instead of the ones you were you to with your ex


- Money, it becomes all your again...

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111. Grateful that he had the courage to end it. I probably would've stayed in the relationship, miserable and unhappy.


112. I don't have the second thoughts syndrome, wondering if I did the right/wrong thing.


113. Running into the ex eventually looking hotter and in a better place in life. Looking forward to that day. ALWAYS happens to me without fail.



number 111: definitely. Good point!! That applies to my most recent experience...thank God I'm out of that relationship.


This is such a great thread!!!! I really needed that! Have been giggling for the past 15 minutes just scrolling down all these answers!!!

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1. Save a bucket loads with phone bills

2. When nice new person asks 'Are you seeing someone?' You can say 'no'.

3. Relieve you friends and family of the all the referred agony you put them through

4. Did anyone ever feel the pressure to look decent in the morning when in reality you felt and looked like the swamp-thing?

5. (my personal favourite) The Post-Break-Up makeover. It might be a haircut or new purchase or both!

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I always want to go abroad,but I gave up many good opportunities for my ex.Now I can choose to go anywhere if I want.I am free.I can spend my rest of life on fulfilling my dream.I don't need to consider his future or his decision.


I can date other handsome men.I can be myself and know more people.

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