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Feeling really good today, need career suggestions.

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Now it makes no sense. This is the 2nd Valentines where I get nothing and am alone, but still I'm feeling good today.


I plan to go to the courthouse after work to see if I can file an appeal on the custody without the attorney, mainly because I cannot afford the attorney even after trying to save. I'm really after normal visitation which I'm sure they'll grant. I'm being proactive which I think is why I'm feeling better. I hate to wait for things to happen. I was such a mess I just didn't know what to do about anything.


I still really regret divorcing. I'm holding out hope he returns to me, since he's not the most attractive guy in the world and really not a catch by normal standards. I just hate having a ripped apart family, and well I kind of consider him my family. Maybe I'll get over it soon. No one ever thought of us as a couple. We were an odd match and the only common link is our daughter and they're kind of holding her hostage IMO. Who takes a child from their mother!? It's legalized kidnapping, I don't think the attorney even believes they really went through with it. She sent me a letter saying I could appeal.


Oh I auditioned for a band, don't think I made it, and well I think it's time to put my music dreams to rest. Since I'm a natural at writing I'm thinking of submitting some poems to be published, perhaps that's my legacy. I have one that got published already (entered a contest). It was called Divine Love. Now I'm really trying to figure out a real job, and join a choir so I can get my singing out. Real Estate just isn't right for my personality although I totally hate to give it up. I didn't keep up with the classes and don't really have the funding to continue pursuing it. So I need a real job, one that will actually provide me a descent life. Any suggestions? I'm an introvert but love all the extroverted stuff. Considering a degree in Marketing but I'm not marketing material (just not outgoing enough), so what can I do?


I looked into music production, and am reconsidering it. I mean now that I've made piece with not being at the mic maybe it is something I could do. Well I'm not really technical but it kind of interests me. Previous major was Music Education transferred for Music Management. So music has been a part of my life forever, except in the actual income part, it's a whole side of me I wanted to use now I think I should find a new career, but I can't seem to. Any suggestions?

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Well part of me thinks I should just go and study for the bar exam (you know self-taught kind of person) since I have so many legal needs. I found out you can take the test without college. Hmmm, hate legal stuff but dang I have to basically do it myself most of the time anyway. It might be something to do.

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