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He did it again...please help


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Hey everyone! If you look back on my previous posts you might better understand my story.


Anyways. . .


My boyfriend was on a singles website a while back. I confronted him about it and asked for his excuse. His excuse was that he did it because he knew I would be looking for things like that and because we were arguing. Oh and since we are in a LDR he said he thought if I saw that i would get really pissed off and just go see him. I don't know if I should believe him?


The other thing is, he told me that it was nothing and that he wouldn't do it again. Well he did it again, but this time he didn't have a deatailed profile on the site and it said he wasn't in search of anyone. So I don't know what to think. I am not going to tell him about the second time I caught him because I kind of think he did it on purpose to see if i am checking his mail.


I'm so lost. I don't want anyone writing me saying mean things. Thanks!

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Dear codyluver,

I'm sorry to hear of your distress, I would hate that situation myself. The fact here is, if you're unhappy and he doesn't respect it by removing his profile, then there is a serious problem somewhere. If he is truly looking, that is an obvious problem, and if he's just testing you, that is a problem as well. You two need to really talk about this, openly and honestly, and you should tell him that you have a problem trusting him. If you are not satisfied at that point, I would suggest re-evaluating your relationship...


good luck, we're here for you!


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Hey codyluver05,


I hope I can help, I'll do my very best.


Not ALL talking on the internet is bad. Posting a singles ad, it's weird you shouldn't jump to conclusions 'til you confront him.


You say you think he did this again on purpose to see if you were looking at his mail? Could be, but you don't know. Were you looking at his e-mails?


I think you should confront him and not leave this in the dark, most especailly since it's bugging you. When you are in a relationship communication is the main key. So when there is a problem you should be able to talk about it. If that makes him mad, then he must be doing something totally wrong, you see?


Heres what you can do. Depending on how long it has been, give it some time to make it seem like you went on the site yourself to see if he was still doing it. Then you see that he is. Tell him, "So I went back on the singles site to see if you were still fishin' around, I see you are. What's your excuse this time?" Put it how you want.


I hope you can communicate and work this out.


Best of luck.


Keep us posted!

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Sounds to me like he is playing a few too many games with you. Why would he do something that he knows hurts your feelings or makes you upset just to see if your checking his email. If you really think about it and this is what he is doing then maybe you need to stop dealing with his shinanagins.


He should not have the account in the first place. He sounds sneaky to me. But if its just one of those situations that you just can't let go then..maybe its time for a little reverse psycology...like acting like you could care less what he is doing. He might be the young in the mind type of guys who does this type of things for attention. Try not to let him ruffle your feathers..he is doing this to get your attention!

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