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im still in love with this 2 girls and evertime i talk to them i fall deeper and deeper in love with them, but the 2 girls are best friends with each other, i feel like i have to choose betewn them, anyone have any ideas how it could be easyer for me to choose?


hey hun if this is about us you dotn have to chose taht is unless you want to and then just follow your heart but just remember no matter wat you chose im hear for you and im still gonna be your friend

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Well you don't even know if , ehm i rephraze that, you know that your friends will accept you no matter what you choose, so keep loving eachother and bring light into eachothers lives. Its unusual but maby the 3 of you could be in one big relationship with eachother? I would only do that if you all can equally go along well with eachother, but seeing how this is becoming a tad private i'll skip out right here.

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NO! Threesomes are a recipie for emotional disaster. Don't even think about going that route, trust me on this.


Would you care to tell us a little bit more about the nature of your friendship with these girls? You're not giving us much to go on. Do either of them love you back?

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the 3 of you could be in one big relationship with eachother?
we have tryed the 3 way relationship,
the nature of your friendship with these girls?
there my best friends and my gfs i have know one for a yr and the other one a lil les then a yr,
Do either of them love you back?

yes they both love me back and they both have sayed im there whole world and ther both my whole world.
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Are you dating BOTH of them?
no im not dateing both of them im just friends with them right now
Do they know this?
the both now i love them both.


and i already know how 3 way relationship dont work out i have and a lot in my life and there not good but even tho i have had them i still cant help but love both this girls

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Hun i know how much it sucks to watch someone hurt to make yourself happy, but if you don't your not only hurting her but "sweetie pie" to by not being honest.


I'm not gonna say the other girl won't hurt because she will. She'll cry and cry and proboly wonder why to. But she will move on. Do something for yourself and make sweetie pie happy.


annie do wat Rozi says listen to her yea part of it is true i am goign to cry if you do it but if you love her more then go with her annie trust me im going to be fine annie trust me ill be fine if you go with her ill still be here for you no matter wat no matter how far i lvoe you love always katy

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