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I'm glad to hear that you had a good nights sleep! That's what you need for your next challenge. It's going to be hard to do NC but it will defintiely be worth it in the end. You will be happier and healtier. It just takes a little time to get over this bump in the road.


Like I said, if you ever need support, keep posting or PM me. We're here for you girl!

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Thanks everyone


I have not heard off him today, which has surprised me but im very relieved because I know I am okay if I dont hear off him. Its just when he comes back apologizing etc that I start wondering what to do. But right now im busy, happy and really think what you all said is true. If my friend told me her boyfriend did what mine has done, I would tell her to run!! Who tells their partner they will cheat just to upset them?! He did text back hours later to say he wouldnt, but by then it had done damage and really hurt me. How can you say that to the person you love? Makes NO sense to me!!


Well thanks again and i will keep posting to let you know how i get on!!



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