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Parents Won't Let Me Date!


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Ok, I want to ask a girl out(Told my story in "In love with friends" topic),however, I know they didn't let my brothers date in 4th grade(very long story) but I'm in 8th grade(13 years old, 14 in Jan). Should I even try? And How would I ask them if I could?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey i jus turned 15 on january 3rd. and i know EXACTLY what ur goin thru. My dad is SOOOO over pretective and he thinks i am WAY too young to date but i tell him all the time I am not gonna be his LITTLE girl forever..and he jus has to deal with it but no matter how many times i tell him this he still insists that i am too young.. but i do it n-e-wayz..and i think he gets it but he doesn't say n-e-thing about it. He know's i am not gonna stop jus 4 him. You can't help the way you feel about someone..and people need to deal with that fact..! hope it helps...bye

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Dating is really pointless unless you have a CAR! I'm assuming your parents will drive you on these dates, otherwise you'd walk or take the bus to all your dates and wouldn't have this problem.


Wait until you at least turn 16--not only will the opposite sex be more nubile at that time, but you'll have a license and probably a car--or at least access to one.


Besides, dating is really boring at your age--you can't drink, you can't go to clubs, and you're not physically developed enough to have ENJOYABLE sex--the penis isn't fully developed.


I'm 18 and in college. I didn't date until I was 17, and I'm rather normal socially. I occasionally have fears, but am semi-outgoing. Don't make a big deal--few people dated when I was your age.

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  • 1 year later...

while i agree that it is important to be social at your age, it is also difficult to date at age because you must rely on your parents or an older sibling for transportation. i am 16, and have my own truck, and i am dating a beautiful girl right now, who doesnt have a car yet, so i can pick her up and we go out on dates. but at your age, it is a little hard because your parents know where you want to go, and you have to wait on your ride to come pick you up. anyway, i dont discourage dating at such a young age, but it is quite difficult. i always had trouble dating in middle school because i could never get a ride anywhere =\ and i disagree with elgilicious's comment, because i am in love with a wonderful girl but we both have morals and believe that sex is a sacred act, and while we probably wont wait until we are married, we are definitely testing our faith to one another. and she hasnt done anything (drink, smoke, any drugs) while i got done with rehab a year ago after admitting myself because i realized that breaking and entering was wrong (i broke into houses to steal and then sell for cocaine, which im not proud of) but now im clean, and she knows that im not like that anymore. wow, sorry about getting on that tangent.

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Dont worry guys ur still so young and dont even know what luv is about....I mean im only 17 but i never ever have had a gf.At your guys age it is pointless to constantly date and sometimes even at my age with all the stupid ignorant teenagers.For all the youngins that think its bad that they dont have a gf just to keep ur mind off of it if you are cursed with ugliness that i have and other people have it will help u so much.If ur ugly women r no good in your life they will just bring u down and smash u down like a lil mouse under a foot it will just obliterate ur emotions.At that age girls r so obsessed with looks its not even funny they dont think about anything but that.Even 28 year olds dont have gf's and thats sad and depressing.Just some ideas for youngins going down the same path as me and many others.

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