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suprise for valentines day

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My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and a half so this is our second valentines day. Last year he gave me a bunch of really sweet gifts and I gave him a lousy card so I wanted to give him something good this time. He really wants new camera so thats what I am going to get him. The problem with it is

1) He is very particular on what he wants so I had to tell him so he can chose his own. (I told him early because its a small town so I have to order online)

2) There really is nothing romantic about a camera


So since both the romance and surprise elements are gone I was thinking of something I could do for him to make it more special. I am was thinking that maybe, since the camera is being shipped to my house, I could take some sexy/naughty pictures on it before I give it to him. The only thing is I am kind of self conscious and I do not really ever do that type of thing. I want to do it though, my only concern is...will it be weird or awkward since I don't do things like that very often or will it a nice surprise?

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Since you don't do things like that often, it will be that much more of a surprise for your boyfriend. I think that's a good idea, actually. From my experience, guys like random and spontaneous things like that...I think your guy would love it!

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Use the timer on the camera to take them. Set the timer and push the shutter button and you usually have 5-10 seconds to get set up before it takes the picture. I think it's a good idea, guys are visual usually, they like that kind of stuff. It doesn't have to be sexy pictures if you're not comfortable with that. You could leave him a message on the camera by taking pictures of paper that you write words on. Like you could take a picture of the word "I" then "love" then "you".

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Never allow a picture to be taken of you that you would not want to be posted on the internet. That is not to say your boyfriend can't be trusted but once a photo is taken you lose control of it.


I agree.


I think with a boyfriend this is too risky. In a marriage I think it's safer, but even then there is still a risk.



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I am in israel, and here, beside Valentine, we have another "Love day".

Anyways, it came just after a month we've been together and she told me she would prepare something very nice for me, but she wasnt sure if it would come out good or not.

When we meet that evening she gave me a CD. In it 40 pictures of her. She did it with a (girl)friend of her. She tryed a lot of cloths, like shirts, skirts, and some more. She also did some just in underware. Some pictures were really cute, some simply beautiful and some very sexy.

So I agree, its a really good idea!! Good luck!

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