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Anger Problems Need Some Help

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Alright I can not control my anger. Today my girlfriend made me so mad and I told her I was going to slap her. I didn't mean it but I could not control my temper. I need some help on a few things. I need to know how I should control my temper because now its like everything she does makes me mad. I don't beat women or anything. I just need to know why I get so mad and loose my temper?

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Alright I can not control my anger. Today my girlfriend made me so mad and I told her I was going to slap her. I didn't mean it but I could not control my temper. I need some help on a few things. I need to know how I should control my temper because now its like everything she does makes me mad. I don't beat women or anything. I just need to know why I get so mad and loose my temper?


What is your age?

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What is it that she does to make you angry? Sometimes the things people do are intended to make someone that angry. My SO will do and say things that make me SOOO mad and I completely lose my temper but that's what my SO is going for. I do the same, I won't lie, and we are aware of this problem. We know we need to find a way to solve our arguments that won't involve screaming and crying. We are both in our early twenties, also, and I think that is part of it. I suggest talking about a better way to work out your arguments while you are both calm and not in the middle of a dispute. And if you get into another argument and feel yourself being overwhelmed with anger, just walk away and don't go back until you have calmed down. That is the best way to ensure there will never be violence and it also prevents you from harming each other emotionally by saying something you don't mean in the heat of the moment.

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20 Years of Age


That's no excuse, but it is a contributing factor. Your age, hormones, high testosterone, etc.


I'm a lot mellower now then when I was 20. Anyone who doesn't think I'm mellow now, well you didn't know me at 20.


However, I've never hit any woman, except in self defense when I was being physically abused.


Don't be hitting women just because you're angry.


Excercise will help release a lot of your anger in a positive way. Do you excercise often? Do NOT drink coffee or take any stimulents.

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Only a trained counselor can help you pin point the source of your anger.


A few things, when you feel like slapping your girlfriend, excuse yourself, walk into another room, and slap the hell outta some pillows. Punch, kick, scream, whatever.


Eventually you'll tire yourself out. After that, ask yourself why you are angry.


Then if you're up for it, talk to your girlfriend about what is bothering you.


I'm a big fan of anger, but it's needs to be released appropriately. Wanting to slap your girlfriend because you're pissed, it a lot different than telling her you want to slap her, or slapping her.



You can try reading up on techniques for effectively releasing your anger when it occurs.

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Well whats bothering me is that theirs this girl name Jill. And I do not want my girlfriend to hang out with her. I've taken alot of my girlfriends friends and told my girlfriend to not hang out with them for some reason because these people smoke illegal drugs and I do not want my girlfriend getting involved. Also I do not trust my girlfriend at all because she will not listen to anyone. And I just sometimes get so mad and want to slap her. I have never hit a woman but she just makes me so mad. Like I said I told her I do not want her to hang out with that girl and she did anyway. She needs to listen to me.

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Blinking, are you being serious here?


Honestly from what you've written, not only do you anger issues, but sounds like control issues, and trust issues as well.


I think I understand where you're coming from, you don't want your girlfriend getting involved with drugs. However, it's not your place to control your girlfriends life by forbidding her to hang out with people you deem unworthy. That is her decision to make. All you can do is voice your concern. If she chooses to involve herself with drugs, and that's unacceptable to you, it seems like ending the relationship is what would be best.


You need to have a good heart to heart with yourself over this one buddy, because I know plenty of people who think this way, and they end up part of an abusive unhealthy relationship.

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