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after 3 weeks of NC, my ex gf of 5 years and I talked yesterday. it was a friendly conversation and I didn't bring up anything about the past. All of a sudden she says "how is you life without me?" I replied its fine because its the truth, it is fine. Then today I get a text asking if she could drop of something for my bday which was 3 weeks ago. Not sure what to do. Why would she want to drop something of now and not before?

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Why don't you ask her the same question? If you get the sense that she just wants to make sure you are missing her then say no (some people don't like the fact that an ex is fine - they prefer it if the person they dumped is miserable because it strokes their ego)


But if you get a very strong sense that she may want to get back together then you can decide if you want to take that risk.

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