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Bin rejected- Ne ideas on good pick-me ups?

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Hi, well i told my friend i liked him, he sed he liked mi too, he sed lets give it a try, then a lil while later he sed, actually i think we shud stay friends. Ne one got ne ideas on good pick mi ups to cheer mi up, not feelin too great. I have decided to take a lil while out from speakin to him, but i dont hate him, just wish he sed no straight away rather than lettin mi get mi hopes up.

thanx for listenin, now pls does ne1 know wat wud be good to cheer mi up? or at least give mi peace of mind?


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Hey girl!


Hey well I've been where u are!! Me and tons of other people!!


Its good that u dont hate him, but I totally understand, it would've saved u this hurt if he'd have been straight in the first place.


Well, me personally, when I'm feeling down, I have a 'pamper night'.


I run a hot warm bath, have a long soak, put some relaxing music on, get loadsa chocolate in, just relax on my own, it ALWAYS makes me feel better.


But thats just me.


You could try meeting other people, a local group?


I broke up with my boyfriend about 2 months ago, I was hurt, and I needed my mind took off of it, so I got out there, and joined a night drama class, I met loads of new friends, and he slowly went to the back of my mind.


Time will make it easier for you, I promise, but if he tries to mess u around again and come back into your life, dont let him!! If u ever want a chat, u can pm me.




P.S- When times get rough, I write my feelings down into poetry, it always helps me!


Good luck

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