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I'm completely lost...please help


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Hi guys,


I feel so terrible. I feel as if I am worth nothing and as if I am never going to achieve anything.


First off, I'm extremely shy so finding a relationship is usually not that easy for me. Second off, right now, I feel as if no one would ever want me again and I've been broken up with my ex since last June so you would think that I would be over him..but I'm not. I started crushing on a guy that supposedly had a crush on me too last semester and was going through a harsh breakup as well but now he has found a new girl and I just feel very insignificant and hideous. I just want to be happy.


Also, I've lost my passion for my major in school a bit and even though I've been trying to get it back and it has been coming back slowly but surely...It still doesn't compare to the way it was before. My future in my career was the thing I would hold closest to my heart and ever since my ex left I just don't have it anymore. I feel bland and just not optimistic about anything.


Also, this usually happens to me. Guys usually are interested in me because of my looks..(I guess) I'm not sure but once they get to know me...they usually run for the hills. And I'm actually a very nice, kind person...I am a bit too shy though. I just don't know what to do...Should I just lose hope in everything? To be honest...I sort of feel as if my life is going to end soon....like if I'm waiting for it. ](*,)

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I know it hurts! I can empathize. I have been through similar. It is so hard when so much falls on you at once but don't give up!!! Life is full of downs like these!!! But it is also so full of wonderful highs!!!!!! Perhaps you should consider seeing a school counselor- when I was in college and my high school sweetheart (of three years) and I broke up, I was just as devestated. It is sometimes not beneficial to talk to peers. Many don't understand. I went to a counselor and it really helps just to have someone listen and not judge and counselors are perfect for this! Also, surround yourself with friends and family, people who love you. Society teaches us that we aren't much without men but that is completley untrue! It's something you need to retrain your brain on!! Don't let go of your career- getting through college and starting a career is so self-satisfying! Find a new passion (that does not include men or anyone for that matter) that makes you feel good- exercising or volunteering somewhere, maybe. But don't give up! If you need someone to talk to, someone who won't judge and who has been through a very similar situation, you are free to PM me anytime. Let yourself get some help and hang in there!!!!

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Thanks redpoppy.

I actually have seen the school counselor after the breakup and I have started working out at the gym which is great because it does make me feel good but it still doesn't seem to be enough. And my passion for my major has been down. I've also been getting really close to my parents and my brothers and trying to keep myself occupied. It doesn't seem to be working very well however since I keep having these relapses

I think I just don't know what I want at this point. Like if I actually had a chance with that guy I was crushing on, I'm not sure I would have taken it. I know I'm not ready for a relationship yet because of my numbness in that area but sometimes I actually do want one.

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Thanks redpoppy.

I actually have seen the school counselor after the breakup and I have started working out at the gym which is great because it does make me feel good but it still doesn't seem to be enough. And my passion for my major has been down. I've also been getting really close to my parents and my brothers and trying to keep myself occupied. It doesn't seem to be working very well however since I keep having these relapses

I think I just don't know what I want at this point. Like if I actually had a chance with that guy I was crushing on, I'm not sure I would have taken it. I know I'm not ready for a relationship yet because of my numbness in that area but sometimes I actually do want one.


huh, you pretty much just described how I've been feeling (especially about the relapes sort of thing). Just to let you know, you're not alone.


For me, I've found that pretty much the only way to get me to do well in my major is to have inspiration. Im a graphic design major and I usually go onto deviant art and flip through other peoples art to help inspire me to do my own art. Whats your major?

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