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Excuse for breakup BOGUS!

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Ok so the my ex the one who broke up with me about a week ago, saying he wanted to concentrate on school yada yada...well he had taken off his POF profile when dating me...and well today I noticed he put it back up, and it seems he put alot of effot into it as well. It says looking for : Dating! I can't believe it. I have had no contact with him since, and have been trying to heal, but after seeing that feel like I'm right back at quare one as far as healing goes. I just feel so used, and so stupid! How could I have fallen for that? How could he be ready to find someone else already? He really most not have cared one ounce about me! Is is common for guys to move on very quickly?

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Thanks everyone...I didn't check his profile..ok I did but only because I was on the site, and noticed his picture on the top...it's not like I was searching for it though, but yes I agree it will drive me crazy. Here's the twist...so last night, past midnignt...he calls and leaves a message saying he will be in my area of town today to exchange a gift and it's important that he talks to me, only for a second??? So he says he will drop by in the afternoon. Now honestly I don't feel like seeing him at all...I know though that I will be coming home from work around that time, and fear running into him. Would be he okay to break NC and send him a text or e-mail saying NOT to come see me??? I can't see what would be so important maybe he wants money for my ticket that he paid the day we broke up?? I really don't want to see him.....

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if you don't want to see him, text him not to come, or be out of the house when he says he will be there... he doesn't have the right to just 'pop in' anymore if it interferes with your healing...


and also there should be no 'mysterious' pop ins... if he needs to talk to you about something, he can leave a message about what it is so you can decide whether you want to talk to him... if you want a reconciliation and he wants to talk about that then fine, but don't let him drift in and out of your life based on his mood of the day, that will interfere with your healing...

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Yes - its totally fine to break nc and text him not to come see you. I think its the right thing to do in your situation.


And on the other subject - I personally am not strong enough to not care about the why's contrary to what everyone here is saying. But the way I see it - I totally agree that was dishonest of him so maybe that says something about him that you didn't see before. If you focus on that it might help in getting over this.

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Thanks Bestrongbehappy, and onelittleladybug, I did text him saying to please leave me alone, and not to show up. He said fine he wasn't going to come. I have been up all night though wondering what he could have possible meant by it was something important he had to talk to me about...I really want to know...but at the same time am not strong enough to see him, I would be broken all over again.

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sorry to hear that betrayedgirl...wow that really is shallow! I can't even begin to understand the reasoning for that? It just doesn't make sense to me....breaking up with someone because he doesn't like the type of building you live in?!?


Thanks.. i'm ok now. pretty much over it.. yeah .. among other reasons.. but yes he is very shallow! Did not know that until after he dumped me.

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