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Is this statement True or False?

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I'd say that's usually incorrect. Of course, she may sense that you have a hidden agenda. Or she may have a hidden agenda of her own. If one of you is trying to play games or manipulate, then it might not work. If you are both genuinely trying to work toward a healthy relationship, then asking her how she feels is the best (or the only) way to know for sure.

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Depends on the situation. Sometimes its a lot more sexy to wait and to just convey meaning through body language. Although, if you just want to know, just be upfront. Or even better, be upfront about the way you feel about her. The power of reciprication does exist. Sometimes the way you feel is returned merely because you iniated it...she might not have thought about liking you before but the thought isn't so bad once its been introduced to her and so she returns the affections back. In any case, you shouldn't ever be afraid of women. They can't hurt you. Just be honest, you know? I dont' see how talking and being honest hurts. When a guy asks me stuff like that, I just tell him the truth. Although, there are definetly a lot of variables to consider when thinking of possibilities of getting an answer you personally desire...like tone, the surprise factor, motivations (the desire not to hurt), lol the person etc

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what i was implying in the question is that women usually don't know how they feel. I'm learning that we should listen to women with much more than our ears.


Considering how much difficultly men seem to have understanding even the most obvious hints, I would recommend just asking.

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what i was implying in the question is that women usually don't know how they feel. I'm learning that we should listen to women with much more than our ears.


You should listen with more than your ears in any case. And I thought that was what you meant. Some women are very self aware, and some are not aware at all of most of their feelings, or at least won't reveal them. Some men can be the same way.

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i say always get your informtion directly from the source. Reason....

if she goes back on what she says then you are not to blame. It forces the relationship to be honest a truthful and open.

It wil be a bumpy initially when she learns that she has to be consistant but in the end it will be a good thing.


That being said, there are women out there that will tell you the truth and then you will not have to worry about the above opinion.

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