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So after talking to the EX and having her friend call me and say I think she could of handled things better.


The ex is all about being honest in her feelings and I have never had a chance to be with mine...


I have this letter..






I wanted to take a second since we are being honest with eachother now to tell you my feelings......



Please know that this is a VERY direct and forward letter based on my feelings....It is knot a guilt trip or anything more that an expression of MY feelings. Please dont read them until you are ready too ok.


You had your turn to tell me all your feelings. Until now these were buried under so much other stuff (Sadness and hurt) SO please bear with me


If this comes accross harsh I apologize. It is not meant to be.




After all that has happened After how mad and angry you got with me did you ever stop to think of this....



You were asking me for to flip a switch and turn off seven years. You wanted a clean break to happen. But how could you of expected me to just be ok with it when you had esssentiall more than a month to prepare yourself for it and I got blind sided with it. I dont think it was fair at all for you to just sit there and get mad an throw YOU NEED TO MOVE ON into my face. I dont think it was fair to just ask me to essentially forget everything and just walk away. And you had no right to get as mad as you did when I was just trying to understand and deal with the hurt of loving and losing you. You had a purpose I didnt and when all I tried to do was talk and try to really undestand even all the times you got mad at me. I know it was all about you but you made me feel like a piece of worthless * * * *. When all I was trying to do was show you I care and that I was sorry. You made me feel like a total stranger who did nothing but annoy you. I am sorry the break-up didnt go your way or the way it wanted to. But how could it of. You basically made me feel like my feelings were worth nothing and made me feel worse for having them. and now after all this all I want to do is still be your friend and I still am being treated with such cold and callousness. After seven years Bryanne, after all we shared and the time we spent together knowing eachother. To make me feel so worthless and little for the sole reason of wanted to be your friend, wanting to love you, wanting to understand, wanting to say I am sorry and yes still wanting to be with you after all this....really hurts deep. I am not sure how or why nor do I really care all that much right now how you were handling things know I was, couldnt ever even try to hanlde them the same way and you just wanted me too.


After what we have shared to have the ONE person who means everything yo you make you feel like a worthless piece of * * * * even all I wanted to do was try to be your friend and talk to you. and you just made me feel like you wanted NOTHING to do with me.


I think you were unfair in the way YOU handled things and I think you could of done them a lot better....But its in the past now.


I thought it only fair you here MY feelings on this as I cannot keep them inside anymore.


Still after all this YOU are very special to me becasue I cherish what we had and will always, AND I consider you as MY BEST friend and want to treat you as such. But somehow I feel like I am the LAST person on your friend list. I hope that changes.


I am not mad, or angry. I have dealth with the hurt.


I do think you could of handled this better than you did.....But it is what it is.


I hope you dont get mad at me just telling the truth and my true feelings as i NEVER once did during this to you.



Your Friend








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If I were you, I would just print out this letter and save it for yourself. If you REALLY feel the need to send it, wait a few days and see if you change your mind. Right now I think you are writing from your emotions and if you send this letter, you are going to let your ex know how much the breakup affected you and that is not always a good thing. Sometimes when you go on with your life, deal with the rejection, and dont send letters, the ex is MORE apt to think of you and reconsider why he/she broke up with you in the first place.

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Hey man, I think you answered the question you have by yourself when you said you can't hold those feelings inside anymore, if she can't take that letter and gets mad, assuming that your letter was not one sided, then being her friend is just gona hurt you...


I have a really good friend I care so much for but hanv't been able to get with her.... to be honest it sucked and hurt for along time so being her friend or even best friend will still be hard for you if you are still wanting more....


Maybe sometimes its better to walk away and deal until you can start to get past the break up and get over her, if you had NC you would eventually get over her but it would be harder to start out with....


If you did become her best friend and stayed that way it will still hurt you knowing their isnt anything more between you anymore but eventually you would be able to be ok with the friendship...


Man eitherway it is really hard and you will probly always have feelings for her.... it sucks sometimes... i kno


I hope that helped you a little..

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I'd say DON'T SEND IT. Or as Mike Ca says - send it to yourself. Read it, think about what you've written. Since you're posting this in "getting back together" does this mean that you hope for a clean chance between the both of you? If so, would you look forward to such a chance if you were her after reading what you've written? Sometimes we feel like the best thing is to have it out and say how we feel towards our ex's, but it's really better to keep some feelings to ourselves.


Even at a glance your letter is intimidating, and suggests that you are really angry and unforgiving. This is not going to give you the response you want - unless you want her to think "OK - well he's made it clear. Time for me to move on".


Give yourself a week or so of complete NC. Diffuse your anger now and see how you feel. Once you have sent a letter like this you can never take it back.

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