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Is it wrong to get many numbers at once?

Kevin T

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I have an ethical/moral question for you good people today: Do you think it's wrong or unethical to get various numbers from women at once? For instance, you meet an attractive girl, get her number, then later on, meet someone else you fancy, then get her number... and so on?


Do you see this as immoral or unethical behaviour? Or is it perfectly fine, good clean fun, since after all, there's nothing wrong with simply getting a girl's number and going on a date?


What do you think?

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No go ahead. It's fine to date alot of girls at once; the thing is, don't try to make them fall in love with you. Just be yourself, be interested in them, enjoy the time you spend with them, even if it's just talking to them on the phone. Enjoy them as themselves, and be their friend without reservation, and what happens will happen naturally. It's guys who put on a seductive act, and who try to make alot of girls fall in love with them who are being dishonest and hurting people. Everyone likes to date and have fun; you're not hurting anyone by doing this; quite the contrary.

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Aha, excellent!


Just wondering. This is fairly new to me, so I wasn't 100% sure.


I didn't really think it was a bad thing either, but I needed some positive reinforcement before I take any action. I don't necessarily want to be seen as a player, but then again, who cares what people say, right?


If it's socially acceptable, then what's the harm? It's not like I'm going out with them just for sex.


It will clearly be in a dating context, not as friends, but in the beginning stages, what's the harm with dating a few different girls at once?


Clearly none!


(I just didn't want to seem sleazy by asking out various girls at once.) Does anyone object to this sort of thing? Just curious.

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Congratulations. You must either be getting numbers or asking people out to ask a post like this. I think it's better to have an abundance of prospect than to be hung up on a few prospects who are not really into you, that way, you have a sense of abundance that if any one of them doesn't work out, you know you have plenty of other leads and it doesn't feel like the end of the world if any one of them doesn't work out. So yes, get as many numbers/prospects to go out with as you want, just make sure you manage it so each prospect feels special.

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Congratulations. You must either be getting numbers or asking people out to ask a post like this. I think it's better to have an abundance of prospect than to be hung up on a few prospects who are not really into you, that way, you have a sense of abundance that if any one of them doesn't work out, you know you have plenty of other leads and it doesn't feel like the end of the world if any one of them doesn't work out. So yes, get as many numbers/prospects to go out with as you want, just make sure you manage it so each prospect feels special.


That's tough... they're really not. lol I can learn to fake it though.


Considering how I just ask for the number after a few minutes of chatting, I am hardly in a position to feel disappointed or let down if one happens to say no. Can't get hung up on someone you've just met.

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