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Met a new girl...confused...

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Philly ~ good to see you around again.


Great advice here. I'm with hosswispra...back off, try once more, and then just let it go. But hold her to a higher standard next time you contact her--if she flakes again...bye bye. You're a sweetheart and can do better.


HEY YOU! Glad to hear from you too!

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Philly ~ good to see you around again.


Great advice here. I'm with hosswispra...back off, try once more, and then just let it go. But hold her to a higher standard next time you contact her--if she flakes again...bye bye. You're a sweetheart and can do better.


I told her bye bye last night actually. She became suddenly busy this coming weekend although we had started talking about a date. Communication from her went from normal and flirty to sparse. She hasn't shown any interest or promise otherwise, and the forward momentum and spark I saw from her last week are just gone. She went from contacting me fairly often to maybe a short communication (a txt, IM, etc) at the end of each day, perhaps to hold me at bay for some reason.


Since she didn't return a phone call from 3 days ago, I just figured why bother and wrote her a quick email explaining that I didn't want to see her anymore and briefly got into my reasoning - essentially what I said above.

Nothing was obviously happening here. I expect alot more from the people I date. I felt she should have been more respectful and mature in her dealings with me. End of story.



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yes, don't blame her, you were obsessing tooooooooo much!!!!


Nah, don't think so. Granted, I will give you that I can obsess over some things. That's just my personality. I didn't do that here though. I met this girl online, and we were talking for a few weeks before I made the move to ask her out. I try to get a grip on their personality a bit before I waste my time and money on a date. I kept it very low-key - just talking to her online and rarely calling her before we met in person. First date was great. She asked me on the second date and was really into me. As far as what happened after that - dunno and don't care.

I just think she was self-absorbed and immature, and was hoping I would buy into that and keep chasing her. Sorry, not interested.


Already working on another girl at work =)

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