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So I've been reading this forum for a while and it really has helped me a lot, finally decided to register, asking for a tid bit of advice.


Small backround story, together for 11 months, perfectly happy and I was constantly being reminded of how I was the "perfect" girlfriend. Heh, and then out of the blue "I'm too frustrated with life and confused about things." He broke up with me basically, so I did the sad/upset bit for a while, about roughly two months, it wasen't all the time just certain days. Though, I never asked for him back, I don't enjoy guilt tripping anyone. Normally I would think he would just go away but he kept coming back. One week with the cold shoulder, "we need to seaperate, etcetc" the next week "Oh I miss you, I love you" a hug here a hug there and eventually it would end up to a kiss. This went on for a month until I finally decided to do NC. Its been more than a month of NC, also I did it right before Christmas break so it made it much easier to do becuase I diden't have to see him.


So after about 3 days of school and lots of ignoring with a simple hi each day, he pulls me away spins me around gives me this huge hug asking "HOW ARE YOU?" I was still firm about the NC so I kept it incredibly short and walked away. The next day he kept mentoining me to a friend and asked where I was, then he tells his friends "Hold on I gotta talk to her" he comes up hugs me starts a silly conversation and I go with it for a while then at the end of the day I remembred I had an old cd that I owed him so I offered to bring it the next day.


So the next day comes and I was walking to the bathroom he passed by and I heard him talking and the word "CD" came up but I just kept walking and ignored him all day until the end giving him the CD but he just said "thank you" and walked away. I wasen't sure if he was even talking to me in the morning thats why I kept walking.


I imed him asking "How was the cd?"

"Kinda a disappointment"


that was it the album was by an artist we really like but it was a letdown -_-


So insues two days of us ignoring each other, and now this whole week.


We have 3 classes together so its hard to just ignore him but I do and now he does it to me, we barely even say hi.


I'm pretty sure it was my mistake becuase I completely walked away and ignored him harshly.


I havent called, IM'ed, nothing and he always came up to me, now I'm not sure what to do. I don't plan on breaking NC but I want to feel comfortable in class and I don't want him to be angry over a misunderstanding.


My friends say just to go up to him say hi, how are you, short and simple. "Sorry the cd sucked" and something like that just to show that things are ok. I'm not sure if I should or not : /



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No, what you shouldn't do is give him false hope that there's still anything between you two.


Its all about wether you want to be together with him or not, if its no, then don't rip open old wounds or initiate contact which would make him believe that you want to deal with him.


If you do want to be with him, then you should give him direct and clear intentions.


Try to see the situation black or white, yes or no, instead of keeping on pendeling in the grey area that you are now in. Don't do that because it will only make you look insecure, show some spine. Either this or that, instead of looking insecure, look forward, move forward, retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die.

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well I had to edit my post a bit, he broke up with me in case it dident seem that way. Hes been the one giving me false hope with the one week being "Eh" to being all over me again. I had to cut him off becuase he kept breaking my heart every other weekend. I mean he diden't want to be with me so why did he keep doing that?


So I dont think this is him trying to get back with me after breaking up with me.


I'm just >

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