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My ex broke up with me over 7 months ago of 8 years and two kids, and i was devastated. But I feel that I have come so far in the healing process and moving on. But last night I invited him over and we had sex. It was great but now I feel confused. He is also seeing another girl that was waiting at his house for him while we were having sex. Why did he ditch the other girl for me? Why did he come back to me when he is the one that didn't want to be with me.


I still have feelings for my ex and think of him all the time but i don't want to get back with him...i don't think anyways. But it also made me feel good that he choose me last night and ditched the other girl. Wow i still can't believe i slept with him last night....did i do something wrong?



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did i do something wrong?


Yes! Please, for your own sanity, don't let this happen again.


Sex with the ex is always best because there's so much emotion involved. But after 8 years and 2 kids, there is absolutely no way this can work for you. It's inevitable that you're going to be left wondering about his feelings toward you, hoping that there's a chance of reconciliation, and just plain obsessing over things that should have been buried long ago.

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Hey Malarivi - Welcome!!!


I don't think you did anything WRONG at all!!


It's tough. It feels good to be chosen over someone else.


But I worry....don't let yourself get fooled. He DID end up with her at the end of the night after all.


He may be confused as well - you ARE familiar to him as he is to you.


I do think tho - that if you ARE going to get past/get over the relationship, you shouldn't do that again. You could end up falling into a really bad pattern.

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Thanks to everyone that replied, it was all useful advice. I do feel like i'm playing with fire and sex is not the only thing i want from my ex or we would still be together. I just need to hold out for the right man that will give me everything that i deserve.



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