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Is This too Soon?

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Hi again guys...I recently posted a topic about a problem I'm having involving a girl that liked me, and I had liked. One day I was having a bad day, so was she apparently. We reacted in different ways, I with anger and she with sadness. She did something a bit irresponsible that got me mad, and I snapped a bit. She got defensive and told me she didn't want to talk to me anymore.



I've asked some girls about what exactly it means when a girl says "I don't want to talk to you" in this type of situation. Some say she wants to see how I react, others just say the obvious which is that she is mad at me. I am going to apologize but I'm incredibly scared. I'm scared that she won't accept my apology, and/or she won't like me anymore. Also, this thing happened last Saturday, should I tell her I'm sorry on Friday? I don't want to wait too long but I don't want it to be too soon either...

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Hello Justin Kun,


You know, I once had a girl tell me that she wouldn't marry me if I were the last man on Earth...


Man, did I feel pretty low when I heard a statement like that... from a friend I had known for three years.


My mind went through all the possibilities and implications etc. ie: I felt like pond scum.


But, after awhile, I realized that it was really just a common expression. How many people everywhere are hearing that same unfortunate phrase?


It took me some time... but I did pull myself together, and decided that there was no harm in apologising, and making the first effort to preserve a friendship or relationship.


She accepted my apology, and we are friends once more.


Now... how long you take to decide or if...is up to you my friend.


Hope it all works out for the best Justin





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Thanks everyone. I hope nothing changes from this, because she liked me and I liked her. I was having a very bad day, and I'm continuing to have some pretty lousy days, but she is mostly on my mind. I don't want to do it too soon because I wanted to give her time to sort her mind out.

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Perhaps it was too late....I sent her 3 text messages(only fit 160 digits per message so I had to, to get my point accross) and no such response...I i only messaged her a little while ago and I suppose I was expecting an instant reply but...no. I know it seems like I'm throwing in the towel a bit early, but I don't see much hope.

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Hello guy,


Well, it does appear that the ball is sticking in her court, but at least you mustered the courage to extend your hand, and be a nice guy, and do the right thing.


If you find this relationship is finished afterall... You still have demonstrated some necessary qualities, that we all need and need to practice: Humility and Mercy. (You stopped being mad at her, (so you forgave her) and were humble enough to ask for her mercy.)


I bet this will be appreiciated by someone, good luck.



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Thank you Jeffrey, but it seems in my experience with many....they just seem to take advantage of it.


Anyway, I called her and she said she wasn't mad at me. She found someone else who she's taken interest in. She said she doesn't like him yet though. So I kind of reminded her of the things we went through, and the fun we've had. She said she's just confused and I admitted that I knew why and that it's because of her ex. She agreed with everything I said and just said "I've just been really confused lately" and assured her that I was with her every step of the way, just so long as she makes an effort to remember why she liked me in the first place(not that she's forgotten, but to reinforce my point). And that was it, she said she really needed to think and to give her a little time. It saddens me that I'm so expendable, but I don't know if this is the end...

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Hello Justin,


Yeah, people in general will take advantage of a sincere person unfortunately, buddy, seems that way sometimes.


I guess that's why they say nice guys finish...


But, we gotta keep trying because to do otherwise would be contrary to our nature, and probably more damaging in the long run.


Hang in there, (and around here in these forums dude).


Try not to let this make you bitter or remoursful, you sound like a really nice guy, so don't let this spoil that.


Peace Justin


See ya around the threads.



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