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Depends. Tell me what you want.


What do I want? To be normal. To have a bit of peace. To be able to go to sleep without being scared. To look forward to coming home. To be wanted. To not have to worry about what I say/do/where I sit/what I do. To be liked. to be loved. To have someone be proud of me. To be able to laugh/smile without having to fake it, to be able to say "i'm ok" and it not be a lie.


Ok, so your mom is out of it alot?




Want to talk about it?


Whats to say?

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And I found this post too.




So you've definitely got alot going on.


Here's the thing-- and tell me if I am way off here. I think that if you could get away from this environment, that you don't really want to die. But as it is, you don't see any other solutions. Am I way off?


HoneyPumpkin gave you this info:


Childline: "ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call us on 0800 1111 to talk about any problem – our counsellors are always here to help you sort it out."


The NSPCC say that a child/young person is being abused if they are

[*]frequently dirty, hungry or inadequately dressed

[*]left in unsafe situations or without medical attention

[*]constantly "put down", insulted, sworn at or humiliated

[*]seems afraid of parents or carers

[*]severely bruised or injured

[*]displays sexual behaviour which doesn't seem appropriate for their age

[*]growing up in a home where there is domestic violence

[*]living with parents or carers involved in serious drug or alcohol abuse


Did you call it? Why not? They can help you to get out of your house and somewhere safe. You only have one year left of school. Do you have any good friends that you could stay with?

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So I just found this thread that you started about your dad being an alcoholic.

Do you live with him? Who else?

Yup. And my mother.




You have a long history of wanting to end it.

In some of those attempts, was your subconscious protecting you?

Is there some part of you that resists the act, and you try to overcome that?



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What do I want? To be normal. To have a bit of peace. To be able to go to sleep without being scared. To look forward to coming home. To be wanted. To not have to worry about what I say/do/where I sit/what I do. To be liked. to be loved. To have someone be proud of me. To be able to laugh/smile without having to fake it, to be able to say "i'm ok" and it not be a lie.



You wrote alot of things that you want. The one thing you didn't write, was to die.


Did you notice that?

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What do I want? To be normal. To have a bit of peace. To be able to go to sleep without being scared. To look forward to coming home. To be wanted. To not have to worry about what I say/do/where I sit/what I do. To be liked. to be loved. To have someone be proud of me. To be able to laugh/smile without having to fake it, to be able to say "i'm ok" and it not be a lie.

I can't give you that. But I can tell you that if you live your life there is an excellent chance that you will get those things for yourself. Maybe not now - but much sooner than you think.


And one day - when you look into the eyes of your child moments after it is born, you will have all of that and more.

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Hey, Jaffa. Been there, survived it, very glad I did.


What do I want? To be normal. To have a bit of peace. To be able to go to sleep without being scared. To look forward to coming home. To be wanted. To not have to worry about what I say/do/where I sit/what I do. To be liked. to be loved. To have someone be proud of me. To be able to laugh/smile without having to fake it, to be able to say "i'm ok" and it not be a lie.


You'd be surprised how completely things change over time. Give yourself just fifty or sixty more years. If you haven't experienced EVERY SINGLE ONE of the things you mention above by then, you might have a case for suicide.


Between now and then, though, there is only one thing you can do that would keep you from bringing those things into your life. You know what it is. Don't do it.


You've come to the right place. Now just listen to these people; they know what they're talking about.

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Here is what will happen if you die at 17:


Your future wife will marry someone else.


Your children will die before they are even conceived... and their children, etc.


You'll miss next year's new South Park episodes.


You won't get to have a cell phone implanted in your tooth like the rest of us will have, or a flying Chevy.


Your family will be destroyed forever. Their lives will never be fully happy again, not for a day.


Sure, we all wish the ground would swallow us from time to time, but do you really want to miss out on all the laughs and blowjobs and concerts and little Jaffacitos that are waiting for you?? There isn't a worse way out of your current situation than to cease to exist.

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Ok. How about something smaller and more simple. Like calling the hotline that HoneyPumpkin gave you so you can get out of your house and somewhere safe. Or going to your local police station and telling them what is going on re abuse at home.


You do have other options, I can understand why you feel you have no way out, but you do- if you can take the steps to do so.

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Listen, learn and know that in a few years you'll be an adult and can do anything you want with your life.


My first suicide attempt was at 14. My homelife sucked and I wanted peace. Years later, I had all those things you want.


Don't think death will give you anything more that life can, unless you have some wild afterlife fantasy.


I think suicide is a bad idea for someone like you, because you've yet to feel what life can be. Stick around, put up a few more years of BS, and the party starts. You have so much to feel besides pain, and you don't have long to wait. It just seems like forever.

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Ok. How about something smaller and more simple. Like calling the hotline that HoneyPumpkin gave you so you can get out of your house and somewhere safe. Or going to your local police station and telling them what is going on re abuse at home.


I've done all that....I've even been on the "at risk register"...it means all. They don't do anything. They just visit you every once in a while, interview you in front of your parents and ignore the silent signals you try and give them. So what's the point? What are they gonna do? Leaving doesn't mean nothing happened? Some things get so broken they can't be fixed you know?


What's important, then?


What's important?


Absolutely all.

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What am I supposed to do


You do.


You do what you have to do. Because only you can do it. Only you can make something of this life that is yours to do with as you will. It is your instrument and only you know how to play it.


You can destroy it of course. Or you can produce magic with it and join it to the magic produced by people like you.


Or you can let other people destroy it through their actions and their negativity. But that would be a shame because there are even more people who want to hear what you could produce.

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OK so that did not work. Have you tried calling again? If you are still being actively abused, it needs to be reported more aggressively.


You didn't mention if you have any friends that you could stay with.


You can also walk into your nearest emergency room and tell them you are feeling suicidal. They should be able to refer you to a social worker who can talk to you about your situation at home.


Have you noticed something.....?


I don't even know you and yet I have spent a good deal of time trying to talk you out of ending your life. And so have quite a few other people.


You are worth having around to us and we don't even know you.


What about to yourself?

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I do.


When you die you go to your own private paradise where everything is just so and nothing hurts and you dont have to be afraid of anything and it's just........calm....peaceful.

Bullpuckey. You would be bored with that after about two hours. Life is about ups and downs, pleasure and pain, good days and bad. That's what makes it interesting... never knowing what'll happen next.


Some of the happiest people on Earth are the ones who have been through hell. Why? Because then they can truly appreciate those awesome moments that come along here and there. Trust me, I know.

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I don't need to be convinced that I'm a weak, idiotic, cowardly, loser for choosing this way. I already know that. I just want to get it over with and get out of this hole. I'm tired. Not just tired.....hopelessly tired.


Lets just close this conversation now.

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I don't need to be convinced that I'm a weak, idiotic, cowardly, loser for choosing this way. I already know that. I just want to get it over with and get out of this hole. I'm tired. Not just tired.....hopelessly tired.


Lets just close this conversation now.


Hey friend. You are not weak. You have survived more in 17 years than some people survive in a lifetime. That to me shows impressive strength.


I don't think you are a coward, either. You just don't see any other way right now- which is why we are here trying to show you that there is another way.

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Jaffa, as I have said in my previous post there is nothing worth dying over. I too grew up in a broken and abusive home I was both verbally and physically abused and still to this day my mother verbally abuses me. I got into drugs when I was 14-15 as it was a great escape from reality, screwed my life up pretty bad got into an abusive relationship was raped repeatedly and beaten by this guy and at this point I was so numb to pain and life surrounding me, I didnt care if someone cam eup to me and killed me at that point and time infact I would have loved for that to happen.



Fast forward just alittle into my life I got into self mutilation as a way to deal and you know what it helped for awhile but I just started cutting deeper and deeper until finally one day I just gave up and I slit both of my wrist open and closed my eyes hoping to die within minutes but you knoww hat happened? I woke up in an Emergency Room with so many doctors and nurses telling me how lucky I was to be alive but you know what i didnt feel so lucky. Six or so months later I tried again, except this time I swallowed about 100 pills and drank a ton of alcohol hoping this time would be a peaceful death. Once again NOTHING happened to me except I ended up in a mental ward.


That's when I started questioning if it was meant for me to die then and there or if I Had a purpose. I get out of the mental ward come home my life isn't any better so I continue mutilation and eventually I meet this great guy who helps me through my pain and troubles and is my escape from reality we started dating seriously and I ended up getting pregnant. Well I just knew that was the end of my life right there but you know the closer I got to holding my son I realized if I had succeded at killing myself I never would have gotten that chance. My son is now 2 years old and I cherish every minute, every day I have with him and am so thankful I was not taken away when I attempted those times. Realize, life may be hard right now but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You're almost an adult, you can leave your parents behind and move on with your life find you a beautiful gf and make her your wife, have some beautiful kids who will forever love you. Hun, Don't take the easy way out because you don't know what you will be missing.



Please, if you would like to talk PM me on here or if you would like to talk on Yahoo and MSN I will more than happily give you my information to Message me. Dont let life get you down. I know it's hard but there is something worth living for.

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Hypothetical question.


Say you had taken a large quantity of pills/done something to yourself and locked all your doors/windows ect. and someone somehow found out what you had done/become concerned u might have done something and called the police/ambulance/whatever.


Are they legally allowed to break in to your house? Are they allowed to remove you from your house even if you say no?


I can't imagine any cop charging them with breaking the law if they did this, whether it's legal or not. Nor can I imagine anyone holding themselves back from saving someone just because it might not be technically "legal."


Jaffa, I beg you from the bottom of my heart to please private message me. I promise I will listen and I promise I won't judge you. I do believe you are experiencing intense inner pain and struggles, and, yes, weariness with it all. It breaks my heart that other people and circumstances have contributed to this. You don't deserve to feel this way, and you don't deserve to have your life cut short because of what other people and circumstances have done to you.


Please, let me be your friend. If it turns out I'm of no help, I won't pressure or bother you any further. I can tell you're a pretty insightful and deep young man, and any superficial "Band aids" of comforting words won't pass muster with you so I won't dream of saying them to you. I promise I will listen and take what you say very seriously. So far, what you are saying is striking a very deep chord within me, as when I was child and teenager, I felt trapped and frightened and unloved and hopeless. I know at least a little of what you're going through. I hope to hear from you.


- Scout

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