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My whole life might change, please help me! please!


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Hi there,

If you guys want a result that's foolproof and trustworthy, then the best bet would be to go to a ObGyn (which I understand might not be an option for her at this juncture?) I have heard EPTs are pretty reliable, though.


Also, if she is irregular, she may wish to consider taking birth control for those reasons alone; taking the pill can regulate one's cycle.


Hope you guys aren't stressing out too much.

Take care.


yea, she's supposed to go on birthcontrol after her next period. which is pretty bad timing that this happened 1 month too soon...


i dont think the gyno is an option at this point, we both dont have the money, she's underage and we really dont want anyone to know about this.


so do you think tha taking the EPT 3 weeks after the 'oops' should yield an accurate result? we're testing on the 9th which is actually 3 days longer than 3 weeks, and her period is sometimes around the 6-7th of the month when it's not the crazy irregular times.

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I agree with Scarew. I've had some months where I thought I might be pregnant, and even though the test wouldn't have been accurate yet, it really did calm my mind to see it said I wasn't pregnant.


Careful with EPT's...mine was accurate (I was pregnant) but I found it VERY confusing. I'd suggest you buy the ones that actually say "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT" instead of the stupid line ones.

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I think it's really important for her to go to a gynecologist. Especially since she is sexually active, and you are not her first partner! Aren't you worried about STDs?


She could ask her mother to take her - she must be nearing 18, which is a normal age to go to the gyno, regardless of sexual activity.

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Yeah, sorry hon but "it being too expensive" is NOT a good reason right now.


One, she is sexually active - SHE must get regular pap smears to check for pre-cancerous cells, STI's, etc. I am so serious about this. I know people whom have had SERIOUS health threats from not going regularly, and these were young people too.


Two, if you think it is expensive to go get tested, what do you think the costs will be if you find out she IS pregnant? It won't get cheaper, whatever option you choose.


But that does not even matter, call Planned Parenthood and get an appointment - they offer free and low cost services and they can't tell her parents or your parents...there is confidientality.

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Yeah, sorry hon but "it being too expensive" is NOT a good reason right now.


One, she is sexually active - SHE must get regular pap smears to check for pre-cancerous cells, STI's, etc. I am so serious about this. I know people whom have had SERIOUS health threats from not going regularly, and these were young people too.


Two, if you think it is expensive to go get tested, what do you think the costs will be if you find out she IS pregnant? It won't get cheaper, whatever option you choose.


But that does not even matter, call Planned Parenthood and get an appointment - they offer free and low cost services and they can't tell her parents or your parents...there is confidientality.


planned parenthood has services like that? i didnt know that. and i know, she does probably need to go to the gyno. but right now im just concerned about this...in a couple of weeks we'll know everything and we can just go from there.


thanks for the planned parenthood advice, i didnt know they did that much

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I agree witht he other posters about her being seen by the gyno as well. I am 19 years old and I had HPV and have had pre-cancerous cells that had they not been caught when they were i'd be dealing with cervical cancer right about now. It isn't a fun situation to deal with, this goes back to what I tell everyone if you're mature enough to have sex you're mature enough to tell parents and see a doctor.

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Actually hun you should focus on her (and your) health and well being cuz as I said there are a many STD's out there that you just don't play with. HPV being very serious with no symptoms at all could cause her to develop cervical cancer and then what? If she gets herself into a gyno, she can have the bloodtest done to see if she's pregnant which is the most accurate way and be examined for other things as well.

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Actually hun you should focus on her (and your) health and well being cuz as I said there are a many STD's out there that you just don't play with. HPV being very serious with no symptoms at all could cause her to develop cervical cancer and then what? If she gets herself into a gyno, she can have the bloodtest done to see if she's pregnant which is the most accurate way and be examined for other things as well.


yea i am concerned about her health too, i mean, id never want her to get any cancers or infections or anything. its just easy to get caught up in the craziness of the situation i guess. but we'll make a point to get her checked up sometime here before long.

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UPDATE : Ok...i had another thread about this but i just wanted to let everyone know that my GF started her period today so im pretty excited about that! we're going to wait until Feb. 9th and then do a pregnancy test to be sure. i'll be sure to be on here and tell you all what happened and how it goes. thanks everyone!

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UPDATE: My girlfriend has been on the pill for about 1 week now. Her period ended 2 days ago but today she said she had lower stomach pain and discomfort. she also didnt eat barely any dinner. and she usually eats a lot of dinner for what her mom cooked tonight.


she also said she thought she stoped her period, so she took her tampon out and by the end of the day she had a little bit more blood on her underwear. (sorry for being grosely discriptive).


is this most likely a side-affect of the BC or is this a sign of pregnancy? it has been 3 weeks since the accident and we're testing this weekend when i come home.

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Sometimes when you first start the pill you may have some spotting and your period may be shorter than usual, especially if you start the pack on the first day of your period.


Take a test just to be sure, but it is probably just her body adjusting to the pill.

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I am almost positive that your gf is not pregnant. Relax my dear. She will experience alot of symptoms on the pill that are similar to pregnancy. After all, the pill essentially tricks your body into thinking its already pregnant, thats how it works.


Just remember that you should still wear condoms because you are never 100% safe. As for your condoms breaking all the time, you aren't keeping them in a place where the tempurature is inappropriate are you? Like in your wallet where it will get ridiculously hot or cold? That will denature the chemicals and cause it to break. Also make sure your condoms aren't expired. And help your gf make sure she takes her pill at the SAME TIME every day (give or take an hour is ok). If you miss one or are late taking one, it will increase your chance of getting pregnant.


You will be fine hun.

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As for your condoms breaking all the time, you aren't keeping them in a place where the tempurature is inappropriate are you? Like in your wallet where it will get ridiculously hot or cold? That will denature the chemicals and cause it to break. Also make sure your condoms aren't expired.

You will be fine hun.



i keep the box of condoms in a drawer in my room. it's not by a heater or anything. so i'm pretty sure the temperature of it is ok. the expiration date thing...i dont know about that, but im almost 95% sure this one was ok because i remember somsone telling me to watch that before. the first one may have been expired, i didnt check.

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alright, this is the last post for me on this thread...we took the pregnancy test today and it was clearly negative. we used first response and within 30 seconds it came up negative with one bright clear single line.


i want to thank everyone for helping me and trying to calm me down through this. sorry i freaked out and asked the same questions time and time again. ive deffinatly learned from this and it was all of you at ENA that pulled me though!


thanks again!

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