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i dont know how she feels about me!

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Hi everyone, im 14 and i really like this girl (lets call her "mary") but shes one of my best friends - i have told her how i feel but i am quite confused about her feelings!

She has been on holiday a lot recently but i have seen her a little bit. Recently i made arrangements to meet up with her for the day but she canceled because she was "staying at her aunties house to babysit", i found out later that her auntie didnt need her as a babysitter so instead of calling me to rearrange she went out with her friends!

I sent 'mary' a text this morning and she called me because she had no £ and we ended up spending an hour and a half on the phone - i asked her if she would like to go into town tomorrow and she said yes and that she would call me when she was home to properly arrange it. However i received no call so i ended up callin her and her friend answered and i found out that she is round her friends house with loads of people (a few of them mi friends).

Her friends house is a long way from her own so i realised that she will probably be spending the night there, however, when 'mary' stays around her friends house they usually do something together the next day so i fear that our plans will be ruined once again.


What does everyone think her feelings are for me, does she like me?

I really dont know what to think.....i will get back to you all and tell you if our plans were canceled.


PLEASE HELP, i dont know what to think!!!!!!!!

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I hate to sound so final, but I'd have to say the feelings just aren't there on her part, or she wouldn't keep making excuses not to see you. Best to leave it alone and move on, because if she's playing games this early on, it's not going to change. Good luck!

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